Chapter 878
Chapter 870 IX Ozawa Disappears

what? !

The tower guard who had just arrived also exclaimed when he saw this scene. He didn't expect Yu Qing to just appear and die like this!
Lin Chen's expression was gloomy and terrifying.

When Yu Qing's body exploded, he was indeed taken aback, thinking that Yu Qing was dead, but now that he felt it carefully, he immediately understood.

The body just now is probably just a clone of Yu Qing.

Judging from what happened just now, Lin Chen felt that there might be a deeper conspiracy behind this incident, and Yu Qing might not be free, so when she wanted to tell herself the truth, this avatar directly was obliterated.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Chen couldn't help feeling a little headache.

Originally, his biggest enemy was the alien species, and then the Ferris clan. After these two big threats were resolved, the evil spirit of chaos appeared again, threatening the entire universe.

Now, I am afraid that there is another unknown force.

Yu Qing knew Lin Chen's strength very well, but she still said that Lin Chen couldn't win, so the black hand behind this might be too strong.

Lin Chen's thoughts surged, and he was wondering who it would be.

On Yu Qing's side, as the original spirit, it is a very special existence. Could it be that there is a stronger original spirit behind this?
But at the beginning, the origin of the Great Thousand World was split, and the origin of time and space was disrupted many times. It has been taken away by the Tianhe Taoist, and some of it was refined by him. The origin of the five elements was transformed into Yu Qing, and part of it was absorbed by Lin Chen. On his body, the origin of chaos on the East Pole Continent has also been absorbed by Lin Chen.

Logically speaking, there should be no other source.

But Lin Chen knew very well that the source of consciousness was born after a long period of time. In this consciousness, the behaviors and behaviors of all people in the whole world are possessed. , There are many means.

Dealing with the source must not be taken for granted!

Even Lin Chen thought, could it be just a part of the primordial chaos that he had refined?

Or is all of this a play by Yu Qing?

What is their purpose?
His brows were furrowed, even Lin Chen couldn't think of anything at the moment.

With a long sigh, Lin Chen saw that in front of him, where Yu Qing's avatar exploded, there were several groups of original power, ups and downs.

This avatar is lurking here, presumably to steal the original power, now that the avatar is destroyed, the stolen original power remains.

Lin Chen saw that there was the largest group of emerald green light exuding rich vitality, which impressively represented the power of the original wood.

Obviously, this is the power that Yu Qing's avatar stole from Ozawa.

When the tower keeper saw this scene, his body trembled immediately, and he rushed over immediately, grasping the original power of this clump of wood.

"This is Ozawa's origin!"

The tower guard was overjoyed.

Injecting this essence into Ozawa's body, perhaps, can make him recover!

Although the old man's strength is extraordinary and he is a leader in the whole world, it is very lonely to stay here all the time. Ozawa's appearance is very meaningful to him, and he has poured too much effort into it.

When Lin Chen almost got Xiao Ze's approval and took Xiao Ze away, the tower guard was really sweating, but in the end Lin Chen failed, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing this, Lin Chen came back to his senses and looked at the tower guard.

"Since this is the case, let's forget about other things and help Ozawa first."

Lin Chen said.

Nodding his head heavily, Lin Chen beckoned all the other original powers into his palms, and together with the tower guards, he returned to the Myriad Wood Mystery Realm on the fifth floor.

However, something happened that shocked the two of them to the extreme.

Looking around, there is a vast expanse, the vitality of the entire fifth floor seems to be passing away quickly, the breath of the wood source is no longer there, and there is no shadow of Ozawa when looking around.

Ozawa is gone!
The root of the tree was born with wisdom, and Ozawa is the core of the fifth layer. The current situation is obvious, that is, Ozawa has been taken away!
The tower guard stood there dumbfounded, even Lin Chen felt the roar in his ears and was greatly shaken.

Unexpectedly, it was placed together!
While the two were chasing Yu Qing, someone shot and took Ozawa away!

"How is this possible, I have sealed off the entire tower, no one will come in, and no one can go out!"

The tower keeper shouted.

He didn't want to believe this terrible fact.

And Lin Chen took a deep breath, he felt that this time, he really met his opponent.

Step by step, both myself and the tower keeper are being played like monkeys.

"You can't win."

Yu Qing's words seemed to continue to echo in Lin Chen's ears again, causing him to be in a state of confusion.

Yes, he doesn't even know who his opponent is, so how can he win?
This mysterious enemy hiding in the dark is even more threatening than the Chaos Evil Spirit.

At this moment, Lin Chen stood where he was, and the tower guard was still unwilling. He looked around and called for Ozawa, but there was no response.

Lin Chen had already seen that Ozawa had disappeared just now, and there was no trace to be found.

The opponent's means are indeed somewhat beyond imagination.

Lin Chen deduced that this matter should have nothing to do with the Chaos Evil Spirit, and most likely, it involved the origin.

After all, no matter Yu Qing or Ozawa, they are all products of the mind born from the source.

It was only then that Lin Chen realized that although he had refined a lot of origin, he knew too little about this kind of thing.

Take the origin of chaos he refined as an example, he rarely uses it, because he can't exert any power at all.

Similarly, there is still a part of the origin of the five elements and the origin of time and space, which did not help him too much.

Now it seems that there may be a deeper meaning in this.

Lin Chen felt more and more that the origin was not simple. Thinking back to the time when the Emperor Cangtian of the Heavenly Temple died in the process of fighting against the origin, Lin Chen had underestimated the danger of this.

"What the hell do you want to do?"

Lin Chen thought hard.

It is impossible for all actions to be without a reason. The origin behind all these must be planning something, which is why Yu Qing said that Lin Chen could not win.

The meaning of such words is that this matter must be against Lin Chen's wishes. Lin Chen must go back to stop it, but he can't win.

Gritting his teeth, Lin Chen's eyes were filled with blood.

He, Lin Chen, has walked all the way, and he has practiced so far, nothing more than to keep getting stronger, protect his relatives and friends around him, resurrect Wu'er, and live with his parents, relatives, confidante, and brothers.

If there is any existence that threatens all of this, Lin Chen will desperately go to destroy him!

(End of this chapter)

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