Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 879 Arrangement

Chapter 879 Arrangement
Chapter 880 Arrangements
"Senior, don't worry, I will definitely find out who is behind this and bring Ozawa back!"

After a long time, Lin Chen recovered from his contemplation, and said to the startled tower guard.

The disappearance of Ozawa was a great blow to the tower guard. His whole body seemed to have weakened a lot at this moment.

Hearing Lin Chen's words, the tower guard gave a wry smile and nodded.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Lin Chen, it's just that this opponent is a bit too scary.

Taking Ozawa away under the eyes of two people, or under the condition that he has completely sealed off the Dongsheng Tower, this is simply unimaginable.

"Let's go."

The tower guard was in a waned mood, and he didn't want to say anything more. Lin Chen didn't ask any more questions, although he was extremely curious about the ninth floor.

Just now, he could feel that there was a mysterious aura surging in the ninth floor. Yu Qing didn't dare to set foot on it, and he himself found it difficult to enter.

Lin Chen wanted to ask a question or two, but the tower guard didn't want to say more, so he couldn't ask any more questions.

The two returned the same way, and when they reached the second floor, Lin Chen looked at Xuan Bing in all directions, and thought again of the scene when he was almost frozen to death here.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sudden movement in his heart.

You must know that Beihanyu was sealed by the mysterious ice in the Beiming Ice Palace, and then he arrived in the Dongsheng Divine Tower. Later, he learned from Qian Fengliu that the divine palace among the four major divine states , There is a connection between the towers!
So, did the black hand who snatched Ozawa away just now disappeared through this connection?
Lin Chen immediately told the tower keeper this thought, but the tower keeper shook his head here.

"Impossible. Although there is a connection between them, it is difficult to open it. The situation you mentioned is rare in a hundred years. What's more, I have already said that the complete blockade of the Dongsheng Tower will naturally include This level of blockade!"

said the keeper.

Lin Chen nodded, frowning even tighter.

If it's really like what the tower guard said, then it's impossible for Ozawa to be taken away. Lin Chen felt that he was still too confident in his own blockade.

But the tower keeper at this moment is already suffering enough, he doesn't want to argue with him any longer.

Soon, Lin Chen came outside the Dongsheng Tower, and the tower guard stood at the door, his whole body was filled with a sense of twilight.

"Senior, don't be too sad, I will do my best to find Ozawa!"

Lin Chen said.

He has always respected the tower keeper.

Hearing this, he just nodded his head and waved his hands. The tower guard was not very energetic. Lin Chen sighed and turned to leave.

Flying away, soon, Lin Chen came to Situ Shenchao.

At this moment, beside the ruins of the previous battle, a more majestic and magnificent palace group has already taken shape, and it is under construction in full swing. From a distance, one can see the figures of each one, busy.

The ruins caused by the battle between Lin Chen and Emperor Hehuan were also heavily protected. After all, the Dao Yun left here can make many people come to feel and harvest, which can be called a priceless treasure.

Lin Chen even saw that there were already many great masters sitting on the ruins at this moment, and began to concentrate on comprehending.

Flying straight down, Lin Chen came to Patriarch Situ's side and said a few words.

Soon, Patriarch Situ called several masters, and his whole body exuded an aura close to Shishen.

These are the leaders of other top forces in China, possessing the ability to penetrate the heavens and the earth.

Among them, Gai Jiuyou was naturally present.

"On the four major Chinese states, there are their own iconic buildings, and there are still many connections between them. In extremely rare cases, there will be intercommunication."

"Now there is a mysterious strong man who stole a wood origin that gave birth to his own mind in the Dongsheng Divine Tower. I guess, he may have escaped to other divine states through this communication."

Lin Chen said straight to the point.

Hearing this, everyone immediately understood.

When Lin Chen said this, he naturally asked for their help, and once he helped Lin Chen, it would be a great favor, which would be of great benefit.

Immediately, the eyes of these big brothers shone with light.

"I'll send someone to search immediately."

As Gai Jiuyou said, he was about to be summoned.

Several other people are also like this, and they will be subpoenaed.

Seeing this, Lin Chen shook his head.

"This person is mysterious. From the beginning to the end, the tower guard and I were led by the nose. I am afraid that you will not be able to find any clues if you send your men. I would like to trouble a few of you and go there in person. Lin Chen Here, I owe everyone a favor, and in the future, if there is a need, I will definitely help you with all my strength."

Lin Chen said.

He really can't bring out any good things or treasures at the moment, but a word from him, a favor, is already precious enough.

After all, at this moment, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is No. 1 in the Great Thousand World.

Hearing this, several people nodded immediately, expressing their willingness to investigate in person.

In fact, in other buildings, there are also existences similar to tower guards, and their strength is not weak, but Lin Chen is still worried, so let these people go there again and try their best to be able to It's good to have a little discovery.

Immediately, these people set off and went to their respective Shenzhou locations.

Seeing a few people leave, Lin Chen sighed a long time, and told Patriarch Situ what happened.

During this time, Patriarch Situ also asked a lot, and in the end he was greatly shocked. He did not expect that the world outside the domain was constructed by star domains, infinitely vast. To be honest, this vast world is nothing but a speck of dust.

However, this speck of dust is extremely special, and the ascension system here is absolutely not found in the outside world.

Of course, Lin Chen didn't say anything about Ancestral Soul Jade and Xuanyu Zudi. The fewer people who know about this matter, the better.

Hearing Lin Chen's words, Patriarch Situ's heart became more active.

In this vast world, it is already very difficult for him to improve, but if he goes to the vast and endless outside world, it must be full of infinite opportunities!
Just look at Lin Chen. Although Lin Chen is very talented, his rapid improvement in strength must have something to do with the resources outside the domain.

"The matter here is over, I will go to Xiaoqian World to have a look, and after that, I will return to the outside world. At that time, if the ancestors arrange it properly and have a heart, I will take you with me."

Lin Chen also saw what Patriarch Situ was thinking, and said so immediately.

Hearing this, Patriarch Situ was overjoyed, nodded repeatedly, and smiled all over his face.

He is not as strong as Shishen at the moment, and he can't rush out with his own strength, and his lifespan is not much, only by going out and getting a breakthrough, can he continue to live.

To Patriarch Situ, this was more important than anything else.

(End of this chapter)

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