Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 881 Enemies

Chapter 881 Enemies
Chapter 880 Enemy

Holy Dragon Hall.

The Sacred Dragon Hall at this moment is no longer what it used to be.

At the beginning, Lin Chen broke through the boundary and flew away, leaving the Holy Dragon Hall to these relatives and friends, and went to the world by himself, but after such a long time, the Holy Dragon Hall is naturally different today.

Looking from a distance, Lin Chen has already seen a large stretch of buildings, magnificent and row upon row, which is no less inferior to the former site of Situ Shenchao.

"Has it developed like this?"

Lin Chen was a little happy in his heart. It seems that under the care of these guys, the development of the Holy Dragon Hall is very good.

But if you think about it carefully, this is also reasonable. Lin Chen has almost unified the entire Xiaoqian world. Almost all the top powerhouses in this world are in the Holy Dragon Hall, so all resources will naturally be tilted here Come.

If this is not so strong, then there is a problem.

Feeling refreshed, he speeded up, and Lin Chen went straight to the Holy Dragon Hall.

On the other side, Bei Luo Zetian looked at this place with a hint of emotion.

After all, he had also practiced here before.

As for Qian Fengliu, he was a little curious and looked around.

He felt that in this small thousand world, the shackles of heaven and earth were not as strong as those in the great thousand world, and it was completely different compared to the outside world.


"What exactly do you want?"

In the magnificent hall, a group of people gathered here, including Zuo Lao, Devil Emperor, Ye Tianchen, Che Wenhai, Su Lao, Mu Lao, Yan Nantian and so on.

These are all high-level officials of the Holy Dragon Hall, and it is said that they have a deep friendship with Lin Chen, the master of the Holy Dragon Hall.

But at this moment, these people were all looking extremely ugly, staring at a man sitting upright in the center of the hall.

I saw this man's expression was haughty, and his eyes scanned the audience with obvious contempt. Obviously, he didn't take the people in the Holy Dragon Hall seriously.

"I said, I want this little world, don't you understand?"

"Of course, there is also this palace, and these beauties!"

As he said that, a lustful light flashed in the man's eyes, and he stared at the many women in the hall.

Su Jin'er, Yan Mengyue, Li Lianyu, Che Li, Luo Shuirou, and Xia Xinxuan!

Especially Xia Xinxuan, this man's gaze focused on Xia Xinxuan, with a look of greed that couldn't be concealed.

He must get this woman!

"The master of my Holy Dragon Hall is a powerhouse of the divine way who has ascended to the Great Thousand World. There are two other experts in my Holy Dragon Hall who have already ascended to the Great Thousand World. If you want to move my Holy Dragon Hall, you must think about it carefully. as a result of!"

Yan Nantian said sternly.

Over the years, Yan Nantian's strength has also improved a lot, and he is only one step away from the emperor's realm. Moreover, he is the lord of the Great Yan Dynasty, and he has a good way of governing the power, which has contributed a lot to the Holy Dragon Hall force.

Under his leadership, as well as the Yanyun Eighteen Guards, became the backbone of the Holy Dragon Hall.

"With your strength, how dare you speak wildly in front of me?"

The man frowned, staring at Yan Nantian with a cold and stern expression, he made a sudden move, and a palm knife was slashed out from the air, aiming at Yan Nantian's chest.


Where the palm knife passes, the space is torn apart like thin paper.

Yan Nantian's whole body tightened, and he immediately backed away, and at the same time he used his strength to block it, but the knife was too fast, it had already reached his chest in an instant, and fell hard.

Yan Nantian's eyes shrank, and a sharp pain came from his chest. Everyone was shocked to see that under this blow, Yan Nantian's chest collapsed, and blood gushed out of his mouth.

He flew upside down, and even broke a thick stone pillar before barely stopping.


The man didn't even look at Yan Nantian, but just snorted coldly.


"Too deceiving!"

Seeing this, everyone was furious and wanted to take action.

It's just that at this moment, the man stood up abruptly, and a tyrannical aura directly permeated the entire hall in his robe without any wind!
In an instant, everyone felt their breath stagnate. Under such coercion, they would have difficulty even moving.

Half-step Shinto!

Only a half-step divine way can have such power to crush everyone present.

If Wang Shaowei and Bei Luo Zetian hadn't ascended, they might have been able to compete with this person, but both of them had broken through to the true divine way, so it was impossible to return after ascending.

"If I hadn't suppressed my strength, I would have already ascended to the Great Thousand World at this moment. Just because of you defeated soldiers, you want to fight with me?"

The man laughed wildly, arrogant.

But the strongest devil emperor present, Mo Fan, Ye Tianchen, Fan Zhenhao and others, couldn't bear it any longer. They teamed up to resist the pressure and started to fight back.

However, this man's strength absolutely crushed them. Just a wave of his hand immediately formed a terrifying hurricane, sweeping away, causing the Devil Emperor and others to retreat violently, and they couldn't even move. up close.

Gritting his teeth, the Devil Emperor felt great hatred in his heart. If he hadn't gone through life and death, condensed his body, and damaged his foundation, he might have broken through the realm and ascended. How could he be humiliated in front of this person?
Although Ye Tianchen and the others are all extremely talented, they still have a certain distance from the divine way, and they are not opponents of the half-step divine way at the moment.

"It seems that I have to teach you a profound lesson before you can see the situation clearly!"

The man smiled sternly, and with a swipe of his palm, suddenly, a far more powerful force was brewed in his palm.


Gradually, in the palm of his hand, a terrifying light group has slowly formed, exuding unparalleled power, making people have no doubt that as long as he is willing, at this moment, the Holy Dragon Palace can be destroyed by him. For flat ground.

Seeing this scene, there was despair in everyone's eyes.

The strengths of the two sides are not at the same level at all. At this moment, they are fish on the chopping board. As long as they dare to disobey, they will suffer disaster.

A sinister grin appeared on the man's face, and the ball of light in his hand was suspended in the air, and was slowly thrown forward, facing Yan Nantian who was seriously injured.

"do not want!"


Seeing this, Yan Mingyu and Yan Mengyue, who were suppressed to death by the man's aura, looked crazy and wanted to go forward regardless of everything, as well as the Yanyun Eighteen Guards, all violently, desperately trying to damage their cultivation base , but also to stand in front of Yan Nantian.

It's just that this man is too strong, the ball of light seems to be slow, but in the blink of an eye, it has already reached the top of Yan Nantian's head.

Yan Nantian smiled wryly, he had already accepted death, and wanted to close his eyes and wait for death.

However, at this moment, the aura in the entire hall dissipated quickly in a gesture like Tang Woxue, and the pressure on everyone disappeared completely.

At the same time, the ball of light cast by the man was suspended in mid-air, and it actually stagnated, unable to move forward for half a minute.

Because, everyone saw that in front of the ball of light, at some point, a figure in a green shirt with his hands behind his back quietly appeared, exuding an aura that was familiar to everyone present.

For a moment, everyone had the urge to hold back tears.

(End of this chapter)

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