Chapter 882

Chapter 880
Lin Chen! ! !

For a moment, everyone couldn't believe their eyes, for fear that this was just an illusion.

However, the moment the man in the green shirt calmly raised his arm and flicked his fingers lightly, causing the terrifying ball of light to vanish into ashes, they were finally convinced that Lin Chen had finally returned!
Immediately, many people burst into tears, expressing their longing for Lin Chen.

Just now, they really thought that they would never see Lin Chen again.

"Who are you?!"

The pupils shrank suddenly, seeing Lin Chen's hand, the man turned pale with shock, and asked immediately.

"You don't deserve to know."

Hearing this, Lin Chen raised his eyelids, glanced at this person, and immediately said softly.

The man's face turned red immediately, his fists were clenched tightly, and his whole body shook violently.

Because he understood that this was probably not Lin Chen's bluff, but in Lin Chen's view, he really didn't deserve to know!

After all, until now, he hadn't felt any aura emanating from Lin Chen's body, but his intuition told him that the danger of this person was probably something he had only seen in his life.

But looking at the entire Holy Dragon Hall, apart from the legendary Hall Master Lin Chen, I am afraid that there will not be another person who has reached this level.

"You, you are Lin Chen?!"

The man's voice was a little hoarse, and he felt that this time, he seemed to have gotten into big trouble.

Immediately afterwards, he immediately bowed slightly, clasped his fists in salute, and quickly said: "Below is Dongxu Xiaoqianjie, my ancestor Dongxu..."

"My name is also worthy of your mention?"

However, before he could finish speaking, Lin Chen had already spoken coldly, interrupting his words directly.

Immediately afterwards, an aura that made everyone feel creepy poured out from Lin Chen's body, charged straight out, and went straight to the man's chest.

His pupils shrank suddenly, and he wanted to resist immediately, but he found in despair that before he could exert any power, the imposing impact from Lin Chen had already arrived and hit him hard!
The loud noise exploded, but his body did not fly upside down.

Because, following the explosion, everyone was shocked to see that the man's body exploded directly, turning into a cloud of blood mist!
And then, Lin Chen flicked his fingers again, shooting out a terrifying flame of glass color, which evaporated all the blood mist into nothingness.

In a blink of an eye, a super strong man at the half-step divine way level was actually under Lin Chen's hands. Such an understatement disappeared in smoke!
Everyone was extremely surprised and opened their mouths wide.

It seemed that Lin Chen's strength had reached a level beyond their comprehension.

"Dongxu Xiaoqianjie, I have to go..."

Lin Chen looked at the blood mist rising from the flames, and thoughtful eyes appeared in his eyes, and then he looked at the crowd, finally showing a smile for the first time on his face.

"Sorry, I'm late."

After all, Lin Chen personally stepped forward to help the sluggish Yan Nantian, and a divine power had penetrated into his body. The pure and huge power instantly healed his injuries, and added fuel to the flames, making his strength that had been stagnant all along. , broke through in one fell swoop, and truly set foot on the level of the emperor!
"Lin Chen, is it really you?"

"Big brother!"

"Stinky boy, you finally know you're back?"

Immediately, everyone in the hall opened their mouths, quarreled and surrounded Lin Chen.

Looking around, seeing so many people who are extremely important to him, Lin Chen finally felt a real warmth in his heart.

Isn't the purpose of working so hard to protect these relatives and friends?
But now, seeing that they are all doing well, Lin Chen is really happy.

Among the crowd, Lin Chen saw Lin Lei and Han Mei, and immediately bowed deeply without hesitation.

"Unfilial son Lin Chen, pay homage to father and mother!"

Without hesitation, Lin Chen beheaded this strong man from the Small Thousand Realm of the Void, and it was also because his parents were in the hall. If he came a step later, his parents would probably be hurt under such arrogance. , This is something he absolutely cannot accept.

And even with Lin Chen's disposition, a lot of cold sweat broke out on his back at this moment.

This time, fortunately, I returned to Xiaoqian World in time, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Just come back, just come back!"

The parents were very happy, they immediately helped Lin Chen up and looked him up and down.

The two elders have been living a life that they could not imagine before. All kinds of natural materials and earthly treasures are eaten as food. With Su Rang's conditioning, they can at least live for thousands of years.

Scanning the entire hall, Lin Chen also saw all his relatives and friends.

Yan Dynasty, Yan Nantian, Yan Mingyu, Yan Mengyue.

Old Su, Su Jin'er.

Mu Yi, Ye Tiancai, who have already controlled the Starry Sky Dynasty, and the black and white twins, Guo Fan Mo Yu, Ye Xiaotian, and Ye Xiaoshi.

Song Buping and Yuan Teng from Lingtian Mansion, Jin Ze and Yanlao from Jinfeng Auction, Che Wenhai from Xingnan College, the four guardians.

Xiaoyu, Demon Emperor, Mo Fan, the Tang family, Ji Ning, Zuo Lao, Ye Tianchen, Fan Zhenhao, and Monk Unclean.

There are also Li Lianyu, Xia Xinxuan, Che Li, Luo Shuirou.

Looking at the crowd, Lin Chen was moved in his heart. For these people, no matter how much he suffered, it was worth it.

After exchanging pleasantries, everyone also knew a general idea of ​​what happened after Lin Chen's ascension, and they couldn't help feeling deeply moved.

Sure enough, a person like Lin Chen would be wonderful wherever he went.

On Lin Chen's side, he also had an understanding of the current situation.

After he left, Wang Shaowei and Bei Luo Zetian flew away one after another, while the rest of them were always a little bit worse, and they were not as stunning as before.

During this period of time, the Holy Dragon League integrated the power of the entire Xiaoqian world and continued to grow.

Finally, someone discovered some passages again, which actually lead to other small thousand worlds. Some people continued to explore, and also gained a little understanding of other small thousand worlds.

But soon, other small thousand worlds also discovered the existence of Lingxiu small thousand worlds.

As a result, the inferiority that has run through the entire history of mankind broke out again, and some small thousand worlds have launched aggression, and the so-called hole-empty small thousand world has also set its sights on the Lingxiu small thousand world.

This is what happened before.

"It is said that the ancestor of Dongxu has reached the realm of the divine way, but has not ascended, and is the strongest among all the small thousand worlds around."

Elder Zuo said.

Hearing this, Lin Chen chuckled lightly, his eyes were cold, and he looked into the distance.

"It's just a mere divine way, what's the point, since you dare to plot against my Lingxiu Xiaoqianjie, then I will go and destroy it now!"

(End of this chapter)

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