Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 883 Go to

Chapter 883 Go to
Chapter 880 Four Going
The murderous intent was cold, Lin Chen made no secret of his desire to kill this small world.

Since the idea is directed at his Lingxiu Xiaoqianjie, and people who want to hurt him, Lin Chen, then be prepared to pay the price!
"Well, you brat, now you don't even pay attention to Shinto!"

"Hahaha, good good!"

A group of people, hearing the words, were all happy in their hearts, and felt a bad breath.

Since Lin Chen said so, he must have enough confidence, these people have known Lin Chen for not a day or two, and there is almost no failure in what this kid wants to do.

"Don't worry, don't worry, you finally came back, stay for a few days!"

Lin Chen nodded when he heard that, he really wanted to live with these people for a few days.

Looking at Xiao Yu in front of him, Lin Chen flipped his palm, and directly took out the blood essence of the Golden Winged Roc from Guiku Mountain Range, and threw it to Xiao Yu.

"I killed a golden-winged roc in the Great Thousand World. This blood essence should be of some benefit to you."

Xiao Yu hurriedly took it, seeing the blood essence, her eyes turned red.

Such fluctuations made the blood in his body boil.

This is definitely the blood essence of the Golden Winged Roc at the level of the divine way. If he can refine it to obtain the essence, he may have a chance to break into the divine way!
Looking at the entire Xiaoqian world, it is impossible to have such a precious thing, but now, Lin Chen just tossed it lightly.

Big brother is big brother, extraordinary!
Seeing Xiaoyu getting such benefits, the others were immediately envious. Lin Chen smiled when he saw this, and took out the prepared things one by one, and distributed them to everyone.

He had long thought that one day he would return to Xiaoqian World and bring gifts to everyone. When Lin Chen was out training, he had always paid attention to it, and would collect suitable treasures when he saw them.

For example, Su Rang, he got a medical book, which made him feel like a treasure.

And Elder Zuo, Lin Chen gave him a dragon-shaped scepter, which can maximize his dragon power, and there is also a powerful formation hidden in it, which can block a blow from Shinto.

Everyone has benefited, and they couldn't help but blushed.

In addition to these people who are close to Lin Chen, there is naturally a peripheral area in the Holy Dragon Hall. The leader of the Dragon League, who has never shown up, naturally has more awe and admiration.

That night, a grand banquet was held in the Holy Dragon Hall, and the lights shone like daytime.

And at the banquet, everyone met Lin Chen, the leader of the Holy Dragon League!

Except for these people who are familiar with Lin Chen, many people outside have never met this mysterious leader, and they have some complaints in their hearts, but they don't say it.

At this moment, as soon as Lin Chen came back, he beheaded a strong man who was half a step into the divine way, showing his incomparable strength, and with a wave of his hand, everyone in the Holy Dragon League got a drop of divine liquid , such fetishes are of great benefit to the cultivation of the people in the small thousand world.

Immediately, everyone was convinced by him.

"Everyone, in the days when I'm not around, thanks to all of you, the Holy Dragon League is able to achieve its current scale. Here, I would like to offer a toast to everyone!"

Standing in the center of the crowd, Lin Chen picked up his wine glass and drank it down in one gulp.

Immediately, the morale of all the people present was high. They raised their wine glasses and poured the spirits into their throats, warming up their bodies.

"Today, this small thousand realm of the cave void deceived me, so I want him to see our strength! Tomorrow, I will personally go to the small thousand realm of the cave void!"

Lin Chen said.

This small world of the cave has been bullied to the top of their heads, and they must be taught a lesson. Since they want to annex the small world of Lingxiu, Lin Chen thought, take this small world of the cave into his hands!
The matter of the evil spirit of chaos is probably a catastrophe that swept across the entire universe. Even if it is hidden here in the great world, it will not be able to survive alone. What Lin Chen can do at this moment is to gather all the forces as much as possible to fight against it.

In the past, his strength was limited, and he had not been able to set foot in many small thousand worlds around here. Now that the king has returned, it is time for the surrounding small thousand worlds to change.

When everyone heard this, their hearts surged again.

This strongman who is said to have unified the entire Xiaoqian world single-handedly came back strong. It seems that the world is about to change again.

Everyone is looking forward to this.

That night, everyone was drunk, even Lin Chen was a little bit drunk, and was helped back to the room by Xia Xinxuan and other women.

And the next day, after Lin Chen woke up, he called everyone together again and had a long talk together.

And from the words of everyone, he also learned that there were still many strange things about Yu Qing's disappearance.

To be honest, Yu Qing was the one who found the passage leading to the Small Thousand Realm of the Hollow, and not long after finding this passage, Yu Qing disappeared.

Now it seems that this incident may have a certain connection with this small world of the cave.

There is also the former alien race group, after reaching an alliance with Xiaoqian World, they are not used to living here, and soon returned to the Tianshan Mountains, and had little contact with everyone.

This time, this guy from the small world of the void controlled the audience like lightning, making it impossible for everyone to send a message. Naturally, it was difficult for the alien species to rush over to help.

Afterwards, they learned that such a major event had actually happened.

"Then I'll go first."

Lin Chen said.

With his current strength, even if he didn't have that passage, he could go directly to the Small Thousand Realm of the Hollow, not to mention that there is still a passage to pass through at this moment.

Before leaving, Lin Chen thought about it, and called Qian Fengliu and Bei Luo Zetian.

Relying on his intuition from years of experience in life and death, Lin Chen felt that behind this small world of the void, it might not be that simple, and it might even involve Yu Qing's affairs, so he had to be more careful.

The lion fought the rabbit with all his strength. Although the ancestor of Dongxu was only a divine way, he must have his own uniqueness to be able to break through to the divine way without ascending.

And after receiving Lin Chen's message, Beiluo Zetian and Qian Fengliu also rushed over, and together with him, they came to the front of the passage.

Standing in front of the passage, Lin Chen looked at the deep passage, and his premonition about this matter became even worse. Through the passage, he seemed to smell a somewhat dangerous aura.

"Everyone must be careful, this cave virtual small thousand world, it should not be simple."

As Lin Chen said, he had already stepped into it.

(End of this chapter)

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