Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 884 surrender

Chapter 884 surrender
Chapter 880 Surrender

Although it is only a small world, but like Lingxiu Xiaoqianjie, a genius like Lin Chen was born. Maybe this cavernous Xiaoqianjie will also hide extremely powerful characters.

The three stepped into the passage and walked forward.

And walking in it, Lin Chen felt a strange feeling in his heart at this moment.

He felt that all the original power in his body had some waves, as if there was something resonating in this channel.

This made Lin Chen's heart move. Could it be that there is also the existence of original power here?
He immediately followed this fluctuation and wanted to continue to comprehend it, but what was very strange was that this feeling was fleeting and had disappeared at this moment.

"It's weird..."

Lin Chen was even more suspicious, carefully feeling all the movements in the passage, but along the way, nothing happened.

A group of people continued to move forward, but at the same time, in a palace built on a majestic mountain peak in the small world of the cave, there was an old man with white hair and white eyebrows, looking solemnly at far away.

"Jian Feng actually died, who did it?"

The sword edge he was talking about was naturally the half-step divine power who died in Lin Chen's hands.

And this person is the Patriarch Dongxu of Dongxu Xiaoqianjie.

If you look closely, you will find that he is not talking to himself, but talking to someone, but there is no figure in front of him. This scene is a bit strange.

And then, there was a voice that came from nowhere and echoed in this palace.

"This person is a big trouble, don't be careless, you first pretend to rely on him."

Hearing these words, Patriarch Dongxu's complexion changed drastically, and his expression became extremely horrified.

If even the existence of this person is said to be a big trouble, then this trouble is probably really terrible. At least, his ancestor Dongxu has no ability to resist.

Thinking of this, Patriarch Dongxu quickly nodded and agreed repeatedly.

"Don't fight against that idiot just because of his death. Even I may not be his opponent."

The voice gradually weakened and finally disappeared completely, but such words made the ancestor Dongxu break out in a cold sweat.

I didn't expect such a powerful enemy to appear!

He was a little restless for a while, wondering if he was going to Lingxiu Xiaoqianjie for a while, pretending to seek refuge.

But if you do this, it's a bit too contrived, and it's not good to be seen.

And just as he was thinking this way, the three of Lin Chen also walked out of the passage, and came to the small world of the cave.

This passage has already been discovered, so there are naturally heavy guards outside the passage.

Seeing three people coming out of the passage, the guards immediately became nervous and surrounded them one after another, aiming their weapons at Lin Chen and the three of them.


Lin Chen felt it for a while. The power of heaven and earth in this small thousand world of the hole is very strong, surpassing that of the small thousand world of Lingxiu. More importantly, he can faintly smell a trace of the original breath here. It seems that it is really Come to the right place.

The three of them did not answer the guards, but walked straight forward, and wherever they passed, everyone else fell into a kind of absolute stillness, as if the area they stepped through, everything Time and space, it seems to have stopped.

Such a vision immediately shocked everyone present, and no one dared to stop it.

"It's here?"

And the first time he felt such fluctuations, the ancestor Dongxu also looked into the distance with a surprised expression. He could feel that there were three auras approaching, and any one of them made him, a strong man of the divine way, feel frightened. will be opponents.

"So strong!"

Patriarch Dongxu was shocked, sweat seeped down his forehead.

It seems that this Lingxiu Xiaoqianjie is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger!

Taking a deep breath, Patriarch Dongxu forcibly calmed down, sat in the palace, and waited for the arrival of the three of them.

And soon, the three of Lin Chen had come hand in hand, standing outside the palace, exuding a strong aura, which made the ancestor Dongxu tremble with fear.

"I don't know if the honored guest comes, I will welcome you from afar, but I will welcome you from afar!"

Patriarch Dongxu hurried out and greeted Lin Chen and the others in person.

At the same time, the entire Dongxu Shrine under his control also felt trembling, and everyone's eyes were at this moment, full of shock, looking at the three figures.

The aura exuded by each of them is enough to crush their ancestor Dongxu.

As we all know, Patriarch Dongxu is the only person who has stepped into the realm of the divine way among all the surrounding Xiaoqian worlds!

So these three people, aren't they all legendary divine powers?
Next, Patriarch Dongxu's attitude made everyone notice, and he was even more afraid of these three people.

I saw that the ancestor Dongxu didn't care about his face, and came forward in person. When he saw Lin Chen and the three of them, he immediately nodded and bowed. He completely lost the mystery and arrogance of the past, just like an old dog.

Lin Chen stared at this person, frowning slowly.

This person's cultivation has indeed reached the early stage of the False God Realm. It seems that he has just broken through not long ago, but there is a force that suppresses his cultivation, which makes him not ascend, but stays in the within this small world.

Of course, such a method is not advisable. If things go on like this, his cultivation will even regress.

What really shocked Lin Chen was that he was not unfamiliar with this aura that suppressed the cultivation of the ancestor Dongxu, but was very familiar with it, because it was the original aura!

Obviously, there should be something in this small world of the hole, which is related to the origin.

Under the guidance of Patriarch Dongxu, the three also came to the palace and sat down.

After waiting for the three to be seated, Patriarch Dongxu smiled and looked at Lin Chen and the three of them.

"The three of you must be from Lingxiu Xiaoqianjie! Actually, I don't know about the previous incident. It was all my traitor. He is very ambitious and always wants to annex other forces. It's irrelevant!"

Patriarch Dongxu said.

Hearing this, the three of Lin Chen didn't express anything.

Seeing this, Dongxu's patriarch Toushan was sweating, and he immediately expressed his opinion: "There are so many small thousand worlds around here, there has been a lack of a leader. I think it is the general trend for the Lingxiu small thousand world to become king. On behalf of Dongxu Xiaoqianjie, I am willing to submit to the Lingxiu Xiaoqianjie, and do what I have done!"

Hearing this, Lin Chen's face finally revealed a smile that was not a smile, and his eyes fixed on Patriarch Dongxu, making him shiver all over.

(End of this chapter)

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