Chapter 885
Chapter 880 The Origin of the Sixth Ancestor General

Lin Chen is not a fool, he can naturally see that there is something wrong with this small world of Dongxu, and at this moment, the ancestor of Dongxu has no temper at all, so he is even more suspicious.

"I won't worry about the previous things, but you have to tell me why you broke into the divine way and can still stay in the small thousand world instead of ascending."

Lin Chen said.

Hearing this, Patriarch Dongxu's complexion changed again.

"This, this involves a chance of being old, it's really hard to say!"

He had a very troubled expression on his face.


Lin Chen sneered when he heard this.

"Stop pretending, call out the people behind you, you are a puppet, what can you say."

Lin Chen's words were not high-pitched, but in an instant, the whole body of Dongxu Patriarch was shocked. His eyes widened, and he looked at Lin Chen with a face full of disbelief.

How could he see it!

Sweat was pouring down like rain, and Patriarch Dongxu was trembling all over his body. Even if he was a powerful person of the divine way, at this moment, he felt trembling from the deepest part of his heart.

He didn't even dare to look at Lin Chen, because he felt that under Lin Chen's sight, he would no longer have any secrets!
Seeing Patriarch Dongxu's reaction like this, Lin Chen knew very well that he had hit the mark on this guy.

This small world of Dongxu is full of weirdness everywhere. The ancestor of Dongxu is afraid that it is impossible to achieve the divine way by himself, and resist the rules of this world instead of ascending.

Therefore, Lin Chen concluded that there must be other people behind him.

"This, this may be a misunderstanding, you must have misunderstood something..."

Patriarch Dongxu still wanted to quibble, but Lin Chen snorted directly, and then, with a swipe of his palm, the vast divine power exploded out, condensing and turning into a massacre directly in front of Patriarch Dongxu. With only one hand, he tightly strangled Patriarch Dongxu's neck.

In an instant, Patriarch Dongxu's complexion turned purple, his eyes widened, and he kept struggling, but with his strength, it was impossible to get rid of Lin Chen's control.

Up to this moment, Patriarch Dongxu's head was befuddled, he never imagined that this young strongman from the Lingxiu Xiaoqianjie had reached such a point, that he was like a child in front of him. Like, there is no power to restrain a chicken.

Clenching his palms tightly, the strength on Lin Chen's side gradually increased, and the life of the ancestor Dongxu was gradually lost, but there was still no movement in the hall.

Seeing this, Lin Chen narrowed his eyes, and raised his palm through the air, throwing the body of the Dongxu Patriarch flying, and then punched him straight out, as if there was a sound of dragon chant. A powerful force erupted and was about to hit Patriarch Dongxu's chest.

If this blow hits, Patriarch Dongxu will probably die like the sword blade before, his body will explode into blood mist.

His pupils shrank suddenly, and Patriarch Dongxu was terrified, but he had already lost all resistance, so he could only exclaim loudly, calling for help.

"Lord General Zu, help!"

Grandfather? !
Hearing this, Lin Chen's pupils shrank instantly. He was no stranger to such an appellation.

Could it be that there is an expert at the domain ancestor level who can't come to this place?
His whole body tensed up, Lin Chen exuded all his strength and was extremely vigilant.

Although he is powerful, he is still only a half-step god at this moment. If there is a strong ancestor from the domain at this moment, he will not be an opponent anyway.

Seeing Lin Chen's reaction, both Qian Fengliu and Beiluo Zetian also became nervous, carefully watching the movement around them.


And just when Lin Chen's punch was about to explode the body of the ancestor Dongxu, there was a muffled humming sound in the void, and then, a mysterious force erupted, directly Breaking away the power of Lin Chen's punch, he saved Patriarch Dongxu.

Afterwards, Lin Chen and the others also saw that in front of Patriarch Dongxu, the space was distorted, and an ethereal figure gradually manifested.

Immediately, a wave of original origin spread, shocking Lin Chen.

It really is the power of the source!

He looked intently, and saw in front of him, a figure of a middle-aged man exuding a powerful aura all over his body. He just stood with his hands behind his back, as if he was affecting the whole world.

domain ancestor?


Lin Chen hesitated for a moment, but then he reacted.

The person in front of him, in his real body, must have the strength of the ancestor of the domain, and he is also at the level of the ancestor, but at this moment, he is just an incarnation, not very tyrannical, at most he can only display the strength of the god emperor level.

But what really surprised Lin Chen was the existence of this person, he was also an original spirit!
This matter is indeed related to the source.

Lin Chen's heart sank, he looked at this person and said, "The spirit of origin? Where are you from?"

As far as Lin Chen knew, the origin of the Great Thousand World once wanted to cause chaos, but was finally broken up by the Emperor, and one part was turned into the origin of chaos, which belonged to the East Pole Continent, and had been refined by Lin Chen. After leaving Yu Qing, Lin Chen refined part of it, but Yu Qing has disappeared at this moment, and the origin of time and space.

Here at the origin of time and space, Lin Chen also refined part of it, but the other part was hidden from everyone, and he seized Beiluozetian, and was finally subdued and taken away by Taoist Tianhe.

In addition, it is the origin of the wood in the Dongsheng Tower, Ozawa who has just been born with spiritual wisdom, but disappeared mysteriously.

And the original spirit in front of him is probably stronger than Lin Chen's imagination. He has never seen an original spirit that can reach the level of domain ancestors.

I am afraid that this will definitely not be something born within the Great Thousand World.

"It seems that you really know a lot, but you can't win."

The man put his hands behind his back, sneered, and looked at Lin Chen.

You can't win!

This was the second time Lin Chen heard such words, and his heart tensed up immediately.

"What is your purpose?!"

Lin Chen questioned.

It's just that the man didn't answer, but shook his head slowly, and then turned his eyes to the world.

"In this universe, there used to be a far-sighted person who created such a world. However, it was too late. This place has never developed at all. There is still not enough time to grow.”

He said, very emotional.

(End of this chapter)

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