Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 886 Relax

Chapter 886 Relax
Chapter 880 Seventh Relax

From his words, Lin Chen seemed to have learned a lot of information.

"What are you guys going to do?!"

Lin Chen gritted his teeth and asked again.

However, the man still didn't answer directly, he just sighed.

"Don't struggle, whether it's the Chaos Emperor or us, this time we can completely invade this universe without much effort, and you natives won't have any chance."

Hearing these words, the three of Lin Chen were shocked.

"Apart from this universe, where else is there? Where are you from?"

Lin Chen couldn't help asking.

The universe they live in is already vast enough. There are star fields that have been discovered, undiscovered, developed, and undeveloped, and there are endless dangerous Jedi like the wild sea. Ordinary warriors , I am afraid that I will not be able to travel through a star field in my whole life.

But now, Lin Chen suddenly thought that there might be other places outside of this universe!
Like the chaotic evil spirits, I am afraid that they were not born in the Great Desolation Sea. The Great Desolation Sea is more like an entrance, the entrance for them to descend from other places!

Similarly, is the original spirit in front of you the same as the evil spirit of chaos?

Seeing Lin Chen's expression, the original spirit man also nodded.

"The four directions are called the universe, and the past and the present are called the universe! How can the universe have an end? In this endless prehistoric world, no one knows how many universes exist!"

"Among them, it can even involve the power of time. A universe can be divided into countless in the long river of time. The universe at each moment even exists independently. Let me say this, you can clear?"

Hearing such words, Lin Chen felt thunder rolling in his head, roaring.

Indeed, such words had a great impact on him.

Stepping out of the small manor on the East Pole Continent, step by step, he has already stepped into the ranks of the strong in the universe, but at this moment, he understands that even the huge universe he lives in is just a corner. That's all.

After all, he has always been a frog in a well!
Without paying any attention to Lin Chen, the man made a move with his palm. Immediately, a wave of original power from the ancestor Dongxu was taken out by him. Immediately, the aura of divine way in the ancestor Dongxu was released again. I can't suppress it anymore.

For a moment, the sky thundered, and the entire small world of the cave was trembling. A passage appeared in the sky, and a mighty power belonging to the great world came out of it.

Without his help, Patriarch Dongxu would surely ascend to the ascension.

Narrowly escaping from the dead, the ancestor Dongxu dared to hesitate, and immediately flew up, his figure disappeared in a blink of an eye, and he flew directly to the great world without even explaining what happened next.

After all, no matter whether it is Lin Chen or the original ancestor general, he can't afford to offend him at all. Once any party is dissatisfied, he will only have one death word.

In this case, ascension to escape to the Great Thousand World is naturally the best result.

Seeing that Patriarch Dongxu was gone, the Yuanyuan Ancestor also chuckled and shook his head.

"This person is really useless."

Then, he looked at Lin Chen.

"Although you know a lot of things and your strength is good, you are still too weak after all. I advise you not to go against the current and ruin your life. Some things can be changed without relying on your own strength."

Hearing this, Lin Chen clenched his fists tightly and wanted to say something, but the figure of this person had disappeared out of thin air, and he could no longer feel the slightest breath.

The strength of the ancestor general level, among the ancestors of the domain, that has reached the second step, second only to Taoist Tianhe.

What's more, this person's body is the original spirit, this unique existence.

Then his methods would probably be even more terrifying. After all, among the original spirits that Lin Chen had seen, none of them were easy to be with.

After a long time, Lin Chen let out a long sigh. He felt that a bigger crisis was approaching.

In addition to the chaotic evil spirits, there is also this mysterious and unpredictable original power, the wind and rain are precarious, and catastrophe is approaching.

This part of the universe is probably facing a terrible crisis, which makes Lin Chen feel a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

"In the end how to do?"

Lin Chen murmured, feeling very powerless.

"No matter what, Little Thousand World must be protected!"

Gritting his teeth, Lin Chen's eyes were already streaked with blood.

There are Lin Chen's most important people here, even if this piece of the universe is destroyed, he will absolutely not allow even the slightest difference here!
"The original spirit, the evil spirit of chaos!"

Lin Chen silently read these two names. At least, he already knew that these were two forces from other places coveting this universe, and what was their reason?

Could it be Ancestral Soul Jade?

Lin Chen thought of the Ancestral Soul Jade in the depths of the Sea of ​​Time and Space, but immediately after, he denied this idea.

The ancestral soul jade is a treasure that can make people break through to the level of the ancestor emperor, but the chaotic emperor in the chaotic evil spirit family is the ancestor emperor himself, so the ancestral soul jade should not be of much use. Among them, the value of the ancestral soul jade is probably not what he thought.

So, what else is special about this universe?

For a moment, Lin Chen couldn't think of anything, after all, he had never seen this place outside the universe.

"do not care!"

Lin Chen let out a long sigh, lost all interest, and went straight back to Lingxiu Xiaoqianjie, the Holy Dragon Alliance.

"Qian Fengliu, take Bei Luo Zetian to the Ancient Shrine first, I'm going to live here for a while, if there's nothing else, don't look for me."

Lin Chen wanted to send the two away.

For such a long time, he has not been able to spend time with his family and friends. Just as the original spirit said, Lin Chen's strength is not enough, no matter how hard he tries, it will not be enough.

In this case, why did Lin Chen make things difficult for himself?

While there is still time, wouldn't it be fun to drink and sing with relatives, friends, and confidante brothers?
The sky was falling, and there was a tall man holding it up. In the past, Lin Chen always regarded himself as the tall man, but now, his thinking has changed.

He is not a hero to save the world, he has always just wanted to stay with these people in front of him, that's all, if that's the case, then why are you working so hard?

Thinking of this, Lin Chen completely relaxed. At least for a short period of time, he would stay in the Holy Dragon Hall to relax his tense nerves that had been going through life and death for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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