Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 887 Leave!

Chapter 887 Leave!

Chapter 880 Leave!
The sun rose and the moon set, and in the blink of an eye, another full month passed.

Within this month, Lin Chen finally relaxed completely, didn't care about any other things, and didn't even practice deliberately, just spending time with his relatives and friends, chatting, eating, drinking and having fun.

And this month has become the most relaxed and enjoyable month in Lin Chen's entire cultivation career, and it also made his mind, which has been tense all the time, extremely relaxed.

Too much pressure is easy to break. Similarly, too much pressure will also lead to bad consequences. At this time, Lin Chen put down everything, but felt a feeling of sublimation.

He could even feel that he was getting closer and closer to the step of truly breaking through to Shishen.

And just after such a month, Lin Chen finally received the first news from the outside world.

The news came from the Eternal Shrine, and Taoist Tianhe sent an avatar to personally come and inform Lin Chen.

The evil spirit of chaos reappeared, and this time it was the fifth-ranked spirit bearer who came from the depths of the Great Desolation Sea and broke into the Eternal Shrine, trying to save the Emperor Acacia!

As for the Eternal Shrine, at least five powerful ancestors were mobilized to hold it, but it was still severely injured. Even if the Emperor Hehuan was saved, it would be a heavy loss.

This battle shocked the entire universe. It was as strong as the ancient shrine, but it still looked a little weak in front of this chaotic evil spirit. Suddenly, people panicked and everyone felt in danger.

Hearing this news, Lin Chen also became serious.

It is hard to imagine how powerful the spirit bearers who rank even higher, and even the Chaos Emperor, will have such a big commotion after ranking fifth.

Immediately, Lin Chen's mind, which had been relaxed for a while, became tense again.

He understood that such days cannot last for a long time, even if Taoist Tianhe didn't come this time, he himself would not allow it, because there are some things that cannot be avoided at all.

"How is the situation now?"

Lin Chen asked.

"It's not optimistic. The Emperor Hehuan was imprisoned next to the ancient sacred monument. He wanted to attract other chaotic evil spirits to surround them for help, but he didn't expect that the fifth-ranked spirit bearer Emperor Pojun would be so tyrannical. .”

Taoist Tianhe looked very ugly.

The emperor who broke the army...

Reciting this name silently, Lin Chen's heart became heavy.

"Among the nine spirit bearers, if anyone is said to be the best at attacking, he will definitely break the army. I don't want to think that after such a long time, his strength, not retreating but advancing, is really terrifying!"

Hearing Taoist Tianhe's words, Lin Chen said slowly, "Then what strategy do we have?"

"No, there is no other way for the time being, unless there is an ancestor-level powerhouse, but you also know that this is something that cannot be met, and there is not much possibility of it happening at all."

Emperor Zu, how easy is it?
"I have another bad news here."

After Lin Chen thought about it, he still told the matter about the original spirit. Immediately, Taoist Tianhe's expression became even uglier.

"You mean, there is a group of extremely powerful original spirits, perhaps the same as the evil spirits of chaos, from other universes, and they want to invade here?"

"Besides the ancestral soul jade, there must be other extremely special places here."

Lin Chen said.

Hearing this, Taoist Tianhe thought carefully, but couldn't figure it out.

"Forget about so much, Lin Chen, if there is anyone who hopes to break into the ancestor emperor, you are the first choice. This is not the place for you to practice, and you should go back to the ancient palace."

Taoist Tianhe said.

For a month, he acquiesced to Lin Chen, but now, the situation is really urgent.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Chen understood that the time to part was coming again.

"Okay, I'll leave tomorrow."

Hearing Lin Chen's words, Tianhe Taoist also breathed a sigh of relief, and after explaining some things, he finally dissolved this clone.

With a clone, to come to this small thousand world across such a distance, and to maintain it for such a time, only Taoist Tianhe's strength can achieve this level.

Seeing Taoist Tianhe's avatar dissipate away, Lin Chen stood there dumbfounded and remained silent for a long time.

After a long time, he dragged his heavy steps to the mountain behind the Holy Dragon Hall.

At this moment, the top of the mountain is shrouded in clouds and mists, and the aura blows across the face. At first glance, it seems to be in a fairyland. Lin Chen stepped forward and came to the top of the mountain. He also saw a beautiful figure standing on the top of the mountain, looking into the distance.


Lin Chen's heart moved, and he walked over.

To be honest, apart from their childhood sweethearts, he and Xia Xinxuan didn't even see each other a lot later on.

Sometimes Lin Chen even had a hard time thinking clearly about his feelings for Xia Xinxuan.

The main reason is that I owe her too much, and not only Xia Xinxuan, but also Li Lianyu, Che Li, Luo Shuirou, Yan Mengyue, etc. Lin Chen owes her too much.

Not to mention Mei Wuer.

"You came."

There was no need to even turn around, the moment Lin Chen's figure appeared, Xia Xinxuan already knew that it was Lin Chen who had come.

And the woman's intuition also instantly told her that Lin Chen might be leaving.

Xia Xinxuan naturally understood that at this moment, Lin Chen had already stood at a height beyond her reach, and the responsibilities on his shoulders were too heavy to imagine.

Therefore, she cherishes this month's time very much.

"Xinxuan, I have to go again."

It took a long time before Lin Chen uttered these words hoarsely. Xia Xinxuan's body shook again upon hearing this.


"come on."

Xia Xinxuan turned around, held back her tears, and gave Lin Chen a smile as usual, but after this smile, no matter how you looked at it, there was a touch of bitterness.


Lin Chen was just about to open his mouth to say something again, but Xia Xinxuan rushed over, and the next moment, a touch of softness and damp heat covered Lin Chen's lips.

The contact of the four lips gave Lin Chen a feeling like an electric shock. Immediately afterwards, Xia Xinxuan's penis also quietly penetrated into Lin Chen's mouth, bringing a burst of sweet body juice.

This kiss is so forgetful.

On the top of the mountain, a man and a woman embraced each other tightly, and everything else was unimportant.

Xia Xinxuan's soft body seemed to be boneless, Lin Chen seemed to be able to rub her into his body as long as he exerted his strength.

I don't know how long it took before Lin Chen slowly let go of the person in his arms. At this moment, Xia Xinxuan had fallen into a coma when Lin Chen quietly exerted his strength, and gently laid Xia Xinxuan flat on the top of the mountain. Above, Lin Chen took out a green shirt and put it on her body.

Afterwards, Lin Chen took another deep look at the Holy Dragon League at the foot of the mountain, turned around resolutely, and disappeared in place.

(End of this chapter)

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