Chapter 888
Chapter 880 Nine Tunnel Horror

This time, apart from Xia Xinxuan, Lin Chen didn't tell anyone else about his departure, nor did he say goodbye to anyone. He chose to leave alone.

Lin Chen understood that for the people behind him, no matter what, he had to fight hard.

His figure flickered, and in the blink of an eye, he had already entered the Great Thousand World from the Small Thousand World, and then rushed out of the Great Thousand World and came to that tunnel.

This time, Lin Chen didn't even take a space ship, and flew directly into the tunnel, his body dodging among the meteorites, turning into afterimages, which were extremely mysterious.

It had been a long time since he had exercised his muscles and bones. Lin Chen flew through the tunnel, and soon, he had traveled nearly half of the distance.

The soles of his feet seemed to be lightly stepping on a huge meteorite. Lin Chen's figure used his strength to rush forward, but the meteorite under his feet exploded and turned into a cloud of powder.

Lin Chen shot at full speed, and at this moment, he suddenly felt that there seemed to be an unimaginable force erupting in the area behind him, which made people tremble.

With a shock all over his body, Lin Chen turned his head and saw that the tunnel had started to collapse from the end, and waves of turbulent currents that were strong enough to tear apart a god-level powerhouse swept away. The meteorite turned into dust, and the tunnel completely collapsed!
"how can that be?!"

Lin Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, and his figure froze in place.

This tunnel is the only way to the Great Thousand World. If this tunnel collapses at this moment, then Lin Chen may never be able to find a way back to the Great Thousand World!

This also means that he may lose contact with his relatives and friends forever!
What made Lin Chen feel cold all over his body was that he didn't know if all this was done on purpose. After all, how could such a good channel collapse by itself?

You know, the crucial ancestral soul jade is still deep in the space-time sea!

In an instant, Lin Chen's eyes turned red. He thought a lot, and even wanted to rush into the collapsed tunnel, but in the end, reason overcame the impulse. Lin Chen gritted his teeth, and finally took a deep look. That tunnel, then resolutely continued forward and began to rush out of the tunnel.

At this moment, there is absolutely no life in this tunnel. Lin Chen can only escape if he leaves before the tunnel collapses, otherwise he will stay here forever today.

His figure turned into a cold light, and he moved forward at an extremely fast speed. Lin Chen didn't even try to dodge the meteorite in front of him. Instead, when he saw the meteorite, he smashed it with brute force, and rushed forward.

However, just after he rushed a certain distance, a scene that made his pupils shrink suddenly appeared.

In front of him, the originally extremely stable tunnel trembled at this moment. Immediately afterwards, there seemed to be a powerful force coming from nowhere, which made the passage in front of Lin Chen irreversible at this moment. The collapse and destruction!

Trembling all over his body, Lin Chen took a deep breath, and continued to charge forward without hesitation. Under his feet, two dragon shadows suddenly appeared, bursting out with the power of a prehistoric dragon, pushing Lin Chen's body, moving towards the forward.

At this moment, no matter how stupid Lin Chen is, he should have thought that this must be a plot to kill him.

Using the collapse of this passage to deal with him can be said to be invisible. With Lin Chen's current strength, it is absolutely impossible to escape from this passage.

"who is it?"

Going forward with all his strength, he rushed into the tunnel that had already started to collapse. Lin Chen had a lot of doubts in his heart.

Could it be Tianhe Taoist?
Lin Chen recalled Taoist Tianhe's abnormal behavior in the sea of ​​time and space. After all, it was related to the ancestral soul jade. Lin Chen was not sure whether Taoist Tianhe would kill himself for the ancestral soul jade.

In addition to Tianhe Taoist, there is also the power of the evil spirit of chaos and the original spirit, and their possibility is even higher.

Perhaps, near this passage, there is a hidden chaotic evil spirit, waiting for an opportunity to act, or it is a power that belongs to the original spirit.

Lin Chen couldn't guess who it was.

And at this moment, he didn't have time to think about it. If he was distracted at this moment, he would most likely be buried here.

Unfolding at full speed, at the same time, on Lin Chen's body surface, a divine magic of the Immortal Supreme emerged, blocking the violent impact for him, but even so, Lin Chen still felt the blood surging in his body, already injury.

"No, you can't die here!"

Lin Chen gritted his teeth, and the golden dragon shadow under his feet continued to grow stronger at this moment, and suddenly turned into a giant dragon shadow with a radius of thousands of miles. Facing such a dangerous situation, Lin Chen immediately used the secret technique of Long Su Wushuang.

Blessed by Longwei, this is already on the verge of collapse, the Immortal Supreme God's magical form has gradually stabilized a lot, and Lin Chen's figure is also relaxed under the protection of Longying.

It's just that the collapse of the tunnel became more and more violent. Soon, Lin Chen's Long Su Wushuang became thinner, and the vast dragon power dissipated a lot.

His eyes were red, Lin Chen formed seals with his hands, and the Tianjiao Molong under his feet also roared, and suddenly split into hundreds of dragon shadows, surrounding Lin Chen's body, and at the same time, they exploded one by one, urging out a tyrannical force, pushing Holding Lin Chen's body, he moved forward at top speed.

The huge horns of the horned black dragon burst out with extreme radiance at this moment, and every explosion could make Lin Chen's figure advance a certain distance in the tunnel.

"It's still not enough!"

Gritting his teeth, Lin Chen realized that the two major secret techniques were not enough.

If you want to really get out of this tunnel, you need to continue to use your strength!
"Tai Hao Jing!"

Lin Chen opened his mouth to read a paragraph of Dao Sanskrit, and immediately, the purple-gold Sanskrit flowed out, forming a layer of protection on his body surface.

At the same time, with a thought in Lin Chen's mind, the majestic power of the stars was also blessed on his body at this moment, turning into a layer of protective power. Immediately afterwards, a star-studded vision emerged, spinning rapidly, Open the way in front of Lin Chen.

With full firepower, Lin Chen's figure was also in this tunnel, advancing at an extremely fast speed, and actually approached the exit at a rapid speed.

It's just that, as he moved forward like this, all his powers were exhausted at this moment. The two dragon shadows had already collapsed and returned to Lin Chen's body. Destroyed, the power of the Taihao Jing and the stars is also unsustainable. Feeling the terrible power of collapse, Lin Chen no longer hesitated, and with a swipe of the palm, the ancient amulet appeared.

With a firm grip, the ancient amulet shattered, but something happened that Lin Chen couldn't even imagine in his dreams.

(End of this chapter)

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