Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 889 Black Hole

Chapter 889 Black Hole
Chapter 890 Black Holes
The ancient amulet was crushed by Lin Chen, but the protection Lin Chen had imagined did not appear, instead, it exploded in his palm with an indescribably strong force , In an instant, the tunnel, which was already collapsing, collapsed on a large scale!
If someone saw this scene from a distance at this moment, they would be extremely surprised.

Because, at this moment, the tunnel collapsed directly, twisted from the middle, and turned into a violent force field, as if in this tunnel, there was a world-killing power that exploded, instantly making people This side of the starry sky was completely destroyed, and a huge black hole appeared.

The center of the black hole transmits a terrifying suction force. Even if a strong god emperor enters, they will be torn to pieces in an instant and turned into powder.

And in the blink of an eye, the black hole spread out, covering the area where the entire tunnel was located, causing the entire tunnel that was still collapsing to fall directly into the black hole, and no trace could be seen anymore.

Lin Chen, who was in the tunnel, also disappeared without a trace, as if completely wiped away from this piece of universe by a pair of big hands.

At the same time, in Lingxiu Xiaoqianjie, many people in the Holy Dragon Alliance felt a bad premonition in their hearts. On the top of the mountain, Xia Xinxuan opened her eyes and looked at the empty space. On the top of the mountain alone, she suddenly felt a huge sense of loss in her heart, as if something extremely important had been lost, causing tears to flow from her eyes.

"Lin Chen..."

Although she understood that Lin Chen must have left quietly, Xia Xinxuan had an extremely ominous premonition in her heart, as if at this moment, Lin Chen was in great danger.

Similarly, Xiaoyu, Linley, and Han Mei in the Holy Dragon Alliance also felt similarly, extremely flustered.

At the same time, in the Great Thousand World, everyone saw that above the sky, there were actually one after another terrifying cracks bursting open, and there was an incomparably terrifying aura in it, which made people panic.

"How is this going?"

Patriarch Situ looked horrified. He tried it once, but found that with his own strength, he couldn't get close to the crack at all, as if the destructive power transmitted from it was enough to crush the entire world.

And the other masters also avoided it, panicking in their hearts.

Immediately, the entire Great Thousand World fell into a kind of panic, and there were even rumors that the doomsday was coming, even those who were as strong as the gods were in constant panic.

"It would be great if that boy Lin Chen was still around. He must have a solution."

Situ Yu looked at the crack above the sky, frowned and said.

What he didn't know was that Lin Chen's current situation was even more dangerous to the extreme.

After crushing the ancient amulet, a majestic force exploded, and Lin Chen's palm turned into powder, and his whole body, like a dead leaf, was blown away, spurting blood, and With pieces of offal.

If it weren't for his strong body and the timely retreat at the last moment, he might have been completely killed by the blast.

And even if he was lucky enough not to die on the spot, the impact Lin Chen suffered was definitely the most serious in history. He gritted his teeth and tried his best to maintain a clear mind. Lin Chen's body surface, a miniature universe, finally Manifested at this moment.

It was also the existence of this miniature universe that allowed him to survive the continuous collapse of this tunnel.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Chen was astonished to see that in front of him, where the ancient amulet exploded, the starry sky had collapsed, and then a small black hole appeared. The black hole expanded rapidly, like a huge mouth. In an instant, everything around it was swallowed into it.

Including Lin Chen, they all entered this black hole, and there was no way to escape.

At this moment, Lin Chen didn't have any strength to escape, and was deeply trapped in the black hole. The coldness and silence represented absolute death.

Moreover, in the deepest part of the black hole, in an unreachable distance, there is still a suction force that is not strong but has been maintained all the time, making it impossible for anyone who enters the black hole to leave.

Lin Chen had heard about this kind of black hole which is extremely rare in the universe, but he never thought that he could actually witness the creation of a black hole with his own eyes, and was deeply trapped in it.

The miniature universe has long been covered with cracks, which may collapse at any time. Lin Chen's figure is suspended in it, like a small boat in the sea, drifting with the current without direction.

The injury was serious enough to be life-threatening, but Lin Chen had no way to recover. His right hand exploded, the space ring disappeared, and the healing thing naturally disappeared.

And his body itself has been severely damaged, so it is a blessing that he is not dead, and it is even more impossible to recover on his own with his body's recovery ability.

Lin Chen didn't even have the strength to give a wry smile. He couldn't figure out who was plotting to harm him here.

He remembered that this ancient amulet was given by an elder of the Yuzu in the Eternal Shrine. Later, he knew that the old man seemed to be called Huanyun Zujiang, who was a general among Yuzu's ranks.

There is obviously a big problem with this ancient talisman. Could it be that this General Huanyun just wanted to put himself to death in the first place?

Lin Chen couldn't figure it out, and he didn't have the energy to think about it.

His figure was suspended and drifted deeper into the black hole. The miniature universe on the surface of Lin Chen's body was quietly shattered, leaving only his remnant body, which continued to float.

Lin Chen felt that his body no longer belonged to him. All he could do was to keep his sanity as clear as possible, because he knew that under such circumstances, once he lost his sanity and consciousness, he would sink into the world forever. This is it.

He still has too many things to do, and he is absolutely unwilling to die here like this!

In the depths of the pitch-black hole, there is endless coldness and darkness. Time here seems to have lost any meaning. Lin Chen doesn't know how long and how far he has been floating here, and he can't even feel himself. The movement of the body lost all perception.

Those who have not experienced this feeling will never know how terrible it is.

But for Lin Chen at this moment, this feeling has already penetrated into his bones.

With straight eyes, Lin Chen faintly felt that at this moment, he was approaching a limit. If there was no turning point, he might really sink here forever and turn into dust.

(End of this chapter)

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