Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 890 The Change of the Divine Monument

Chapter 890 The Change of the Divine Monument
Chapter 890 The Change of the Divine Monument

Eternal Shrine.

In the depths of the incomparably brilliant palaces, in front of a cliff, there is an ancient divine stele, which has stood here since ancient times.

And in front of the ancient sacred monument, there is a majestic and majestic formation in operation, and the terrifying power transmitted from it will move even the ancestors of ordinary domains.

And in the center of this formation, there is a figure in a state of distress, locked in it by layers of formations.

A series of chains as thick as arms bound them with an unspeakable force.

This person is the Emperor Hehuan. After Tianhe Taoist took him back to the Eternal Shrine, he has been locked here. Even the fifth-ranked Emperor Pojun failed to rescue him smoothly.

There is no other reason, it is because the energy source of this formation is the ancient divine monument behind it.

There is a trace of ancient divine power flowing in the entire formation, and this kind of power is a destructive force for the evil spirits of chaos.

You must know that even with Taoist Tianhe's current strength, he can't completely destroy and kill the Emperor Hehuan. He can only rely on the ancient divine power to slowly grind him to death.

Outside of this formation, they are always guarded by the powerful ancestors in the ancient shrine, and they will be on alert if there is a slight change.

And the Emperor Hehuan in the formation had already lost any strength to struggle, he just tried his best to resist the ancient divine power in the formation, trying to keep himself from being destroyed by the ancient divine power.

"Hmph, if it weren't for the fact that the Ancient God Tablet is not complete at this moment, this guy would have died a long time ago!"

Outside the formation, an old man snorted coldly and said.

And beside him, another ancestor of the domain, who was the ancestor of Jiuyang domain who had taken Sui Chaoqi away, his strength was also at the level of the ancestor.

The ancestor of Jiuyang Yu also sighed when he heard the words.

"The core components of the ancient sacred tablet were snatched by the Taitian Temple, and then lost in the vast universe, and there is no trace to be found. This time, the evil spirit of chaos reappeared. If there is no complete ancient sacred tablet to sit in, Our Eternal Shrine will also be in some danger!"

The ancestor of Jiuyang Yu knew the horror of this crisis.

As for Tianhe Taoist, after he went to Xiaoqian World to look for Lin Chen, he never made any movement again. He only appeared when he had to check the formation every day, and then left in a hurry.

From the look on his face, he seemed troubled.

"Oh, the remnant has been lost, I'm afraid I can't find it."

That old man also said so.

"However, just grinding like this can kill this guy!"

Immediately afterwards, he added again.

Hearing this, the ancestor of Jiuyang Yu also nodded.

"The Emperor Pojun returned without success last time and was seriously injured. I'm afraid that the other spirit bearers will not easily attack again. As long as we guard the formation well, this guy will die!"

"You know, in ancient times, none of these spirit bearers died, they were just suppressed. If this Emperor Acacia could be killed at this moment, it would be a big deal!"

The ancestor of Jiuyangyu spoke a little excitedly, looked at the Emperor Hehuan in this formation, and said happily.

And what he didn't notice was that behind him, the old man who was talking to him with a pleasant face just now, after he turned around to face the formation, his face became ferocious, and his cloudy eyes Among them, what is shining is clearly the light of killing intent that is extremely fierce!
It's just that this expression just disappeared in a flash, so the ancestor of Jiuyang Yu didn't notice it at all.

"I just don't know how long it will take... Hey, this ancient god monument?"

At this moment, the voice of Nine Suns Territorial Ancestor suddenly became trembling. He stretched out his finger to the ancient god tablet in front of him, his eyes widened, as if he saw something extremely terrifying.

Hearing the words of the ancestor of Jiuyangyu, all the other people present immediately looked at the ancient god monument, and in the distance, the figure of Taoist Tianhe also flew towards him.

Boom boom boom!
I saw that this ancient divine stele started to tremble without any sign, and there were extremely complicated lines flashing on it, and a more pure and majestic ancient divine power erupted, making this The whole world is trembling.

"How is this going?!"

"Why such a change has taken place in the ancient sacred monument, this is unprecedented!"

"Is there an evil spirit of chaos lurking here?"

There were voices of exclamation one after another, even though all the ancestors present were living fossils, they had never seen such a scene.

Since the establishment of the Eternal God's Palace, no one has ever seen such a change in the Eternal God's Tablet. Even if the Taitian Shrine attacked and took away the core components of the Eternal God's Tablet, they have never seen such a change. picture.

All of a sudden, the entire Eternal Shrine fell into an unprecedented panic.

The Eternal God's Palace was built on the basis of the Eternal God's Monument. It can be said that the Eternal God's Monument is the core of the Eternal God's Monument. The last time the parts of the Eternal God's Monument were taken away, it was already a great shame. What kind of change, I am afraid that the position of the most powerful force in the universe, the Eternal Shrine, will be lost.

"Could it be the ghost of Taitian Shrine?"

"I think it might be the evil spirit of chaos!"

"Could it be that the core part has appeared?"

Many people have expressed their thoughts.

Taoist Tianhe, on the other hand, looked dignified, waved his palms, and shouted loudly: "Everyone be careful, strengthen the formation, and don't let Emperor Hehuan escape!"

The main source of energy for the formation that traps Emperor Hehuan is the ancient sacred monument, but now that the ancient sacred monument has changed, it may be difficult to maintain the operation of the formation.

But in fact, since the change of the ancient divine monument, no ancient divine power has flowed into the formation, which also makes the power of this formation not as good as before.

At the same time that Tianhe Taoist had just spoken, the ancestor of Jiuyangyu, who was closest to him, had already pinched his handprints, trying to exert his strength and rush into the formation.

However, at the same time that the ancestor of Jiuyang Yu had just exerted his power, behind him, there was actually a palm that slapped out without warning, carrying a terrifying mighty power that belonged exclusively to Chaos. It worked in his body!


Unprepared to bear this blow, the ancestor of Jiuyang Yu spurted blood, and his figure was already flying out. He was in the air, and his body was in a strange posture, from the place where the palm hit , broke into two halves, blood sprayed, and his breath of life also declined rapidly.

There was an expression of disbelief in his eyes, and at the same time as the body of the ancestor of Jiuyang Yu exploded, he looked behind him, and the old man whose whole body was slowly rising with terrifying chaotic fluctuations spoke hoarsely.

"You, you! Phantom Cloud!"

(End of this chapter)

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