Chapter 891

Chapter 890 Second Illusory Demon Emperor
Illusory Cloud Territory Ancestor!

The ancestor of Jiuyangyu never thought that he would die in the hands of the ancestor of Huanyunyu until his death.

Both of them were strong men of the same period, they supported each other along the way, and had experienced life and death, how could the ancestor of Jiuyangyu have expected that Huanyun would do something like this to him.

Life was passing by rapidly, and the terrible chaotic power eroded every corner of the body of the ancestor of Jiuyangyu, which also made him understand that he might have no hope.

"nine Sun!"

In the other direction, Taoist Tianhe let out a heart-piercing exclamation. He didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, the ancestor of Jiuyangyu would go to death like this, and Huanyun was the one who did it!
"Huanyun, what are you doing?!"

"Oh my god, he's not Huanyun!"

"The power of chaos? What happened to him?"

Shouts of exclamation spread, and everyone present subconsciously backed away, staring fixedly at the Huan Yunyu Ancestor at this moment.

"Hey hey hey..."

As for Huanyun Yuzu, he let out a series of creepy sneers, and while his whole body exuded a strong chaotic atmosphere, it was also undergoing violent changes.

I saw that the skin all over his body was bursting, but there was no blood flowing out, but a burst of chaotic energy, and soon, the original Huan Yunyu ancestor disappeared completely, replaced by a The terrifying shadow of the chaotic evil spirit!

Chaos evil spirit!

Everyone present was shocked. After all, no one would have imagined that the Huan Yunyu Ancestor who lived with them day and night would be transformed by a chaotic evil spirit!
But they didn't even know when this happened.

"Spirit bearer! Illusory Demon Emperor!"

Taoist Tianhe gritted his teeth, and said the name of this chaotic evil spirit word by word, his eyes were filled with monstrous hatred. Behind him, there was already a sky river hanging upside down.

"Hey, I didn't expect someone to remember my name."

The Phantom Demon Emperor couldn't help sneering, bowed slightly, and looked at Taoist Tianhe.

"It's just that, with your strength alone, you won't be able to keep me, and I'm afraid this time, without that guy Xuan Yu, your entire universe will completely fall into the hands of Emperor Zun."

Hearing the words of the Illusory Demon Emperor, Taoist Tianhe became even more angry. He pressed his palm down suddenly, and the upside-down Tianhe swept away, forming an extremely powerful field, covering the Illusory Demon Emperor.

"Hahaha, how dare you show your petty skills?"

Seeing this, the Illusory Demon Emperor laughed loudly, and the chaotic aura in his body surged again, turning into a majestic phantom, constantly changing, and what finally appeared was the appearance of Taoist Tianhe!

Immediately afterwards, Taoist Tianhe's attack came, hitting this chaotic phantom crazily, and a violent impact erupted, causing the space here to burst and turn into nothingness.

The phantom of chaos shattered in response to the sound, and the figure of the Illusory Demon Emperor appeared. I saw that the aura of chaos in the Illusory Demon Emperor's body was a little weaker, but with the shattering of the phantom, the He Taoist was His complexion changed, and then he spurted blood, and his momentum became sluggish!

"how can that be?!"

"What method is this?"

The people present were all shocked, and their eyes were full of inconceivability when they looked at the figure of the Phantom Demon Emperor.


The Illusory Demon Emperor snorted coldly, looked around at everyone present, his eyes were full of contempt.

"It seems that after so long, this universe is still full of idiots like you!"

Hearing this, everyone's faces turned ugly, because they could all tell that the words of the Illusory Demon Emperor were not intentional ridicule, but contempt from the heart.

But to be honest, just this move just now has seriously injured Tianhe Taoist, I am afraid that none of the people present are opponents.

"Leave this person to me to deal with, you bless the formation, don't let the Emperor Hehuan run away!"

Taoist Tianhe shouted angrily, stepped forward, and had already arrived in front of the Illusory Demon Emperor, blocking him.

Only then did the others react, and they gathered around the big formation, and began to exert their strength and bless the formation.

"Hahaha, it's late!"

Seeing this, the Illusory Demon Emperor laughed again, as if everything at this moment was within his expectations.

Hearing this, Taoist Tianhe shook his body again, turned around, and he saw that a majestic figure had appeared above the sky at some point, exuding a majestic chaotic aura, which made people look sideways.

"Breaking the military?!"

Taoist Tianhe exclaimed, he didn't expect that this time the Illusory Demon Emperor and the Pojun Emperor came to rescue the Acacia Emperor together.

"None of my nine spirit bearers have been destroyed in the ancient war. It would be too arrogant to want to kill us based on your current Eternal Shrine."

"Give up, stubborn resistance will only make your end more miserable."

Emperor Pojun said coldly, and at the same time, with a move of his palm, a huge hand of chaos appeared above the sky, directly enveloping that formation.

Immediately, an indescribably powerful chaotic force surged out, entering the formation, it was rapidly destroying the power of the formation, which made Emperor Hehuan who was trapped in it extremely excited.

"Haha, finally saved!"

Emperor Acacia shouted.

This time, if such an accident hadn't happened, he, Emperor Hehuan, might really die here.

After all, divine objects like the Ancient God Tablet were born to restrain their chaotic evil spirits.

"Hmph, idiot, because I saved you, I messed up a lot of plans! You just wait to plead guilty to Lord Emperor Zun!"

Hearing that Emperor Hehuan still dared to speak, Emperor Pojun immediately snorted coldly, glared at him, and immediately made Emperor Hehuan shut up.

And with his actions like this, the ancient divine power remaining in the formation, like Tang Woxue, was offset by the power of chaos, and the restraining power of the formation was dissipated. .

Without the ancient divine power, this formation is even more useless for a character like Emperor Pojun.


With a firm grip, this formation has been shattered in the palm of Emperor Pojun, and Emperor Hehuan also escaped from the trap, and flew into the sky.

"Let's go!"

Emperor Hehuan was rescued, Emperor Pojun also said in a deep voice, and at the same time looked at the ancient sacred monument, very afraid.

"Go? Why not catch them all?"

Emperor Hehuan was holding back a bad breath, and suddenly looked at Emperor Pojun in surprise.

"Idiot, I really don't understand why Lord Emperor Zun wants you to be a spirit bearer and be at the same level as you. It's a shame for me to break the army! Can't you see that this damned ancient monument is about to soar into the sky?" Well, it is going to save its master, we must stop it!"

Po Jun roared.

(End of this chapter)

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