Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 892 Tianhe's Choice

Chapter 892 Tianhe's Choice
Chapter 890 Tianhe's Choice

Hearing this, Emperor Hehuan was stunned.

The ancient god monument has been standing here since ancient times, how could it have an owner?
Not only Emperor Hehuan, but everyone else present were also stunned.

The owner of the ancient monument?
Where did the owner of the ancient sacred monument come from?

Moreover, Emperor Pojun said that the ancient god monument is going to save its owner at this moment, so what is going on?

What kind of danger can a guy who can take such a sacred object as the ancient god tablet in his pocket encounter it?

Everyone can't figure it out.

"Hmph, you idiot, just do what I say, don't talk nonsense here, go!"

Po Jun didn't answer the Emperor Hehuan, but angrily said that his figure was about to fly away from the Eternal Shrine.

"Stop them!"

Only then did Taoist Tianhe come back to his senses, and shouted hastily.

If they were allowed to leave like this today, the face of Eternal Ancient Shrine would be swollen.

This ancient shrine is the number one power in the universe, but now it is freely entered and exited by this chaotic evil spirit. Isn't it the back garden of the chaotic evil spirit?

"Hehe, ridiculous."

Hearing this, Emperor Pojun sneered.

In his opinion, with these people in front of him, how could they stop him?

"Open the ancient god formation, and leave these three chaotic evil spirits behind at all costs!"

Taoist Tianhe's complexion was extremely ugly, and after waving his hands, he gave an order, and suddenly, within the scope of the entire Eternal Shrine, there was an unspeakable violent fluctuation, and a series of complicated patterns manifested. It turned into a huge formation that was terrifying to the extreme, trying to envelop the entire Eternal Shrine.

Seeing this scene, Emperor Pojun's expression finally changed.

Although the Eternal Shrine is now in decline and is far less powerful than it was in ancient times, after all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and its background is still there.

Apart from the Eternal God Monument, the greatest heritage of this Eternal God Palace is the Eternal God Formation.

According to legend, in ancient times, the number one spirit bearer almost fell under this divine formation.

Although Emperor Pojun is the best at attacking, his overall strength is only ranked fifth. If he is trapped in this ancient formation at this moment, he will be in danger.

Of course, judging from the current power of the Eternal Shrine, once such a formation is activated, there will not be much left of all the foundations. If you want to activate the formation again, the price you will pay will be unimaginable.

"Old guy, you have to think about it. Is it worth using this kind of formation to deal with the three of us? Shouldn't this kind of formation be reserved for dealing with Amaterasu?"

Emperor Pojun said.

"Huh, let's take down the three of you first. You really think of me as the Eternal Shrine. You can come and leave whenever you want?!"

Taoist Tianhe said angrily.

Seeing this, Emperor Pojun's heart sank slowly.

I didn't expect Taoist Tianhe, an old guy, to be so decisive. You must know that once such a formation is used, even in the third step of the Yuzu realm, it will be extremely powerful.

In addition, if the power accumulated over the years is exhausted, it will be really difficult to use it in the future. Even if it is forced to use it, it will take the lives of many strong people in the ancestral realm to fill it.

"Wait! Don't rush to use the formation, I can tell you a big thing!"

Emperor Pojun gritted his teeth and said.

Hearing this, Taoist Tianhe was unmoved in the slightest.

He understood that this chaotic evil spirit family was extremely cunning, and their words could not be trusted.

Therefore, Taoist Tianhe didn't stop his movements, he was still urging the ancient god formation to deal with Emperor Pojun.

"Don't you want to know why the ancient god monument changed?!"

Emperor Pojun panicked. Once the formation is completed, he may peel off his skin even if he is not dead, and someone like Emperor Hehuan may even die. This is a scene he absolutely does not want to see.

"You said."

Hearing this, Taoist Tianhe's heart was shocked, he finally temporarily stopped his movements, and looked at Emperor Pojun vigilantly.

As long as there is any change in Emperor Pojun, he will immediately continue to activate the formation.

Seeing this, Emperor Pojun finally heaved a sigh of relief, and looked at the Illusory Demon Emperor at the side.

"Do you remember that Huanyun Yuzu once gave Lin Chen an ancient amulet to protect him, which can block the Yuzu's blow?"

Seeing this, the Illusory Demon Emperor sneered and looked at Taoist Tianhe.

Ancient Talisman!

Taoist Tianhe's pupils shrank suddenly, and he suddenly thought that the ancestor of Huanyunyu had indeed given Lin Chen an ancient amulet for protection.

Is it?

Taoist Tianhe didn't dare to continue thinking, he only felt that he was already covered in cold sweat.

"Lin Chen is the owner of the ancient divine tablet, and the core component of the ancient divine tablet is on him, which is why he can get the ancient divine power bestowed by the divine tablet."

"At this time, when Lin Chen left the Great Thousand World, he encountered great danger, so he crushed the ancient amulet."

"But the ancient talisman I gave him can't block Yuzu's blow. On the contrary, it can generate the power of dozens of Yuzu's joint strikes, allowing it to burst out at the moment it is crushed."

The Phantom Demon Emperor said coldly.

Immediately, Taoist Tianhe felt that he could not stand still.

Daoist Tianhe was dizzy for a while, and he could imagine the extent of damage that dozens of domain ancestors would cause in a combined attack.

That would create a black hole out of thin air!
And inside the black hole, it was pitch black and dead, without a trace of life. Even if he entered, it would be very difficult to get out, let alone Lin Chen.

Moreover, whether Lin Chen can survive the crushing of the ancient amulet is still unknown.

"Does he mean that Lin Chen is the owner of the ancient god monument?"

"It should be, look at the ancient monument, there has never been such a change!"

"Lin Chen should be dead right now?"

When everyone heard the words, they also started discussing.

"The ancient sacred monument is about to fly away from here. If you insist on completing the formation, it will not be able to rescue Lin Chen. Moreover, it will attack the formation and leave on its own. You should think about it."

Emperor Pojun said.

Hearing this, Taoist Tianhe's complexion suddenly became cloudy and uncertain.

His eyes changed, and no one knew what he was thinking in his heart.

But at this moment, Sui Chaoqi, Qian Fengliu, and Beiluo Zetian, who had already returned to the Eternal Shrine, also saw the whole process of this incident, and the three of them suddenly became nervous.

The others also looked at Taoist Tianhe, waiting for him to make a decision.

However, a moment later, Taoist Tianhe waved his hand, and immediately, the huge formation that surrounded the entire Eternal Shrine suddenly began to operate, and above the sky, a powerful sky curtain was formed, a wave belonging to the Eternal Ancient Shrine. The power surged wildly, making people feel desperate from the bottom of their hearts.

"It's nonsense! Today, no matter what, I will keep the three of you!"

(End of this chapter)

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