Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 894: God Monument Unveiled, God Formation Breaks!

Chapter 894: God Monument Unveiled, God Formation Breaks!
Chapter 890 The five god monuments are released, and the god array is broken!

There was a loud bang, and everyone was stunned.

One of the nine spirit bearers, Emperor Hehuan, who fought in the ancient war, was caught and killed by this emperor who broke the army at this very moment!
As Po Jun said, even in the ancient war, none of their nine spirit bearers were destroyed, but today, one of them finally died.

And he died in the hands of his own people!
"Hehuan, you died well, and you can rest in peace. Lord Emperor Zun will remember your contribution, and even after he controls this universe, it is not impossible to resurrect you!"

Emperor Pogun gritted his teeth and said.

At this moment, he had no choice but to attack Emperor Hehuan.

Although he looked down on the Emperor Hehuan on weekdays, after all, he fought side by side together.

Gritting his teeth, Emperor Pojun immediately opened his mouth, and directly burst the Emperor Acacia, and all the chaotic power that he released was sucked into his body.

With such actions, his body also began to swell at this moment, and the originally sluggish breath also recovered at this moment.

The chaotic power around his body swelled, allowing Emperor Depojun to continue to shoot, but it actually temporarily blocked the ancient palm, making it difficult for him to move forward.

This scene immediately made Taoist Tianhe's pupils shrink.

This chaotic evil spirit actually has such means, this is not the first time he has seen it. Back in the wild sea, the Supreme Immortal Emperor swallowed a chaotic evil spirit, so he had power escape.

But at this moment, Po Jun swallowed a spirit bearer here, and the power he obtained is probably not only the majestic chaos power, but also the spiritual power stabbed by the Chaos Emperor back then!
This immediately made Emperor Pojun extremely dangerous.

And, at the same time, Taoist Tianhe also saw that the ancient divine monument was really about to rise from the ground and soar into the sky!
Above the nine heavens, as if at this very moment, there was a thunderous sound resounding, and in an instant, the wind and clouds roared wildly, and a terrifying coercion from the ancient times swept away, covering the entire area of ​​the ancient shrine. , are trembling in general.

Looking from a distance, this piece of heaven and earth seems to be about to collapse completely, unable to bear the mighty power of the ancient god monument at all.

Taoist Tianhe suddenly changed his face. He felt that with such a change, the ancient formation had become extremely unstable at this moment.

After all, the Eternal God Formation was built on the basis of the Eternal God Monument in the final analysis, and the source of the Eternal God Power was also the Eternal God Monument. Therefore, at this moment, the Eternal God Formation could not stop the Eternal God Monument at all.

And this is also the first time in the history of the ancient sacred monument that such a change has occurred, even Tianhe Taoist is a little at a loss.

There were loud noises, and everyone could see that with the slow rise of the ancient god monument, this piece of heaven and earth was on the verge of shattering. Layer upon layer of ripples seemed to be heading for shattering.

His pupils shrank suddenly, Taoist Tianhe was about to withdraw the formation in a hurry, but it was already too late.

I saw the next moment, this huge and boundless ancient monument, shining with indescribable light, wrapped in extremely powerful ancient divine power, rose from the ground at this moment, heading straight for the stars!
Everyone felt the unprecedented shock and stopped all actions. All the scenes in front of them turned into a misty light and shadow.

The terrifying air flow swept through, cutting the space here, and some people with weak strength were directly crushed and turned into minced meat, without a whole body.

Many majestic buildings, including the ancient shrine, were also shattered and collapsed at this moment.

This fluctuation, which seemed to destroy the world, made everyone feel dizzy and dizzy, lost any perception, and could only vaguely feel that the ancient divine monument, at this moment, soared into the sky with an indescribably powerful posture, directly It broke through the ancient god formation and flew towards the distance.

Wherever it passed, a long and narrow gap was cut in the entire starry sky, which could not be recovered for a long time. Moreover, the ancient divine power seemed to be thickened to a certain extent, and it spread madly in all directions, causing some stars along the way to burst. Come on!
Such a scene is like annihilation.


Taoist Tianhe spat out a mouthful of blood, and his whole aura weakened at this moment. He looked at the ancient monument in disbelief, and never imagined that today's events would have such a change.

Huge pain came from his whole body, Taoist Tianhe forced himself to stay standing, and did not fall down, but deep in the pupils of his eyes, there was a deep sense of regret.

The loss caused by a single thought is simply incalculable!

He never imagined that this ancient divine tablet would actually soar into the sky and leave the ancient palace.

Could it be that all of this was really caused by Lin Chen?
Taoist Tianhe's eyes were anxious, because he also saw at the same time that with the breakdown of the formation, Emperor Pojun laughed loudly, stepped on the sole of his foot in the air, and the chaotic breath around him surged, and once again turned into an army of thousands of horses. , Surrounded by him and the Illusory Demon Emperor, the two spirit bearers fled quickly, and disappeared from everyone's sight in the blink of an eye.


This time, the two spirit bearers cooperated inside and outside. Although the rescue of the Emperor Hehuan failed, the entire Eternal Shrine suffered heavy losses to the extreme. domain ancestors.

In contrast, here in their chaotic evil spirits, only the weakest Emperor Acacia died.

And the next time, when they made another move, they lost the ancient god formation and the ancient god tablet without the existence of top powerhouses. What else could they use to fight them?
It can be said that their chaotic evil spirits are already winning.

That's why Po Jun left with a long smile.

As for Lin Chen, even if the ancient god stele is gone, Po Jun will be sure that Lin Chen will surely die. After all, the power of that ancient amulet will definitely not be a half-step God who can block it. of.

Moreover, even if Lin Chen didn't die tragically on the spot, he would definitely fall into a black hole, which is no different from death.

However, just to be on the safe side, Po Jun and Illusory Demon Emperor still quickly flew to the Liancheng starfield to take a look. Only when they saw the death of the owner of the ancient monument with their own eyes, could they feel at ease.

Because, the existence of Lin Chen can be said to be the biggest variable and the biggest threat to their occupation of this universe. Once he masters the power of the ancient god tablet, he will definitely be another Xuanyu ancestor emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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