Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 895 Rush In

Chapter 895 Rush In
Chapter 890

"This time, it was really dangerous. I almost lost my life!"

Flying in the starry sky, Emperor Hagun said with lingering fear.

Indeed, although the loss of the Eternal God Palace this time was not small, he managed to escape from death, only a little bit close to dying under the Eternal God Formation.

You know, that is a formation that even Amaterasu Emperor, the number one of the nine spirit bearers, is difficult to deal with.

And this time, if he hadn't made a decisive decision at the last moment and sacrificed Emperor Hehuan, he might not be able to escape at all.

Hearing this, while the Illusory Demon Emperor beside him nodded in agreement, a strong look of fear flashed in his eyes.

The Illusory Demon Emperor ranks sixth among the nine spirit bearers, but he is mainly good at lurking and transforming, but his real combat power is not much stronger.

If it was not Hehuan who was close to Pojun just now, but the Illusory Demon Emperor, I am afraid that his fate at this moment will definitely not be better than Hehuan.

This fellow, Po Jun, has always been ruthless, even if he treats his own people, he will show no mercy.

Therefore, even the first-ranked Amaterasu Emperor would give three points to Po Jun.

Secretly guarding against Po Jun, the Illusory Demon Emperor galloped along with him, heading towards the star field that linked the city.

At the same time, the huge Eternal God Stele was even faster, far surpassing the two soldiers, and the place they passed was devastated, shaking the entire universe.

"My God, what is that?!"

"What a powerful force, go back!"

"That seems to be a sacred monument in the ancient palace!"

"How is this possible, what happened?"

In the past of the ancient divine monument, everyone was shocked and shouted to avoid it.

Some guys who didn't have time to dodge or got too close were directly injured by the impact of the ancient god's tablet, and even a space ship was directly smashed by the impact of the ancient god's tablet!
Immediately, most of the people were evasive and terrified, but there were also some skilled and daring powerhouses who followed far behind this ancient monument. Perhaps, this is an opportunity to have a big harvest Maybe.

There are quite a few people who hold such thoughts, and gradually, more and more people follow the ancient sacred monument, and follow it from afar.

And the huge ancient god tablet is moving forward all the way, no matter what obstacles there are in front of it, it will be severely impacted by the most primitive and barbaric terrifying force.

Even the meteorite sea and the turbulent flow of time and space cannot be stopped by the power of the ancient divine tablet.

At the same time, Liancheng Starfield.

As Lin Chen crushed the ancient talisman, the terrifying fluctuations exploded, and the leader of the Ditian League already had a perception, his expression changed drastically, and he rushed to the tunnel at high speed.

But when he saw the black hole in the starry sky that was still exuding terrifying devouring power, it was as if he had been struck by lightning, and his face was full of disbelief.

What kind of power is it that can create such a huge black hole here out of thin air!

At this moment, the surrounding sea of ​​meteorites is already clean, and even a tiny speck of dust cannot be seen, because, from the black hole, there is an incomparably terrifying devouring force that seems to want to wipe out the world. Everything is swallowed into the deepest part of this black hole, sinking forever.

What the leader of Ditian didn't know was that Lin Chen was right in the depths of the black hole in front of him.

At this time, Lin Chen was close to running out of oil and dying. It was not easy to save his life after the ancient amulet exploded, but he fell into a black hole. In this state, he survived. Such a long time is even more commendable.

However, after persisting until now, Lin Chen's vitality seemed to be exhausted.

The dark and cold black hole has no boundaries, making people feel hopeless and fearful. Even with Lin Chen's disposition, it is difficult to sustain at this moment.

Gritting his teeth tightly, Lin Chen had no other concepts in his mind. He just wanted to hold on for a while, maybe things would turn around.

And under such support, his body continued to float towards the depths of the black hole, moving towards an unknown direction.

On the other side, the huge Eternal God Stele broke through the starry sky, like a black long rainbow, setting off a violent wave of waves, and finally at this moment, with an almost extreme power, it arrived at the city-linking star field, Come straight in the direction of the black hole.

Behind the ancient sacred monument, there are no less than thousands of people following from a distance, wanting to see what happened.

Such a huge momentum almost covered the entire universe.

"This is...Liancheng Starfield?"

"Yeah, why did you come to this remote small star field?"

"Look, what's that in front?!"

A group of people talked a lot, and followed the ancient god tablet to the Liancheng star field, and saw the huge black hole in front of them in the distance.

Everyone was shocked, and no one thought that there was such a huge black hole here, which was still exuding a terrifying devouring power, as if it was going to swallow the entire star field, which made people terrified.

"It's a black hole!"

"Don't go any further!"

"What a terrible suction!"

A group of people exclaimed one after another, backed away, not daring to get close to the black hole, only those whose strength had reached the level of Yuzu would dare to get closer.

But that side of the Ancient God Stele did not stagnate in the slightest, and directly slammed into the black hole with an outrageous attitude!
There was a loud noise, and everyone could see that the incomparably huge Eternal God Stele seemed to be a circle larger than the black hole, but it directly merged into the black hole with a strange posture, as if it was It was as if it had merged with the black hole and disappeared completely.

If it wasn't for its terrifying aura remaining in the starry sky, everyone would even doubt their own eyes!
"What it is?!"

The leader of Ditian, who had been staying outside the black hole, also changed his expression drastically. He looked at the ancient god tablet entering the black hole, his face horrified.

He had a premonition that something big should happen in this Liancheng Starfield.

The weakest of the group of people following the ancient god monument are also Shishen's cultivation base, and there are many domain ancestors among them, and many of them are much stronger than the main enemy of the Tianmeng.

"What exactly is going on?!"

The enemy leader was terrified.

A huge black hole suddenly appeared in my own star field, which was already a terrible thing, but now, that terrible stone tablet appeared again, and there were so many strong men, the back of the leader of the enemy, it was already a terrible thing. Drenched in sweat.

But at this moment, everyone was staring at the bottomless and terrifying black hole, and fell into silence, no one dared to act rashly.

(End of this chapter)

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