Chapter 896
Chapter 890 Seventh Inheritance

At this moment, in the starry sky in the distance, there are also two figures quietly appearing, looking at the black hole in the distance.

"The ancient monument has entered a black hole!"

The Phantom Demon Emperor said solemnly.

"Is that kid still alive?"

Emperor Pojun frowned. Logically speaking, if Lin Chen died, then the Ancient God Monument would be ownerless, and naturally he would not enter the black hole for a corpse.

The only explanation is that Lin Chen is not dead yet!

But how is this possible!

"Impossible, the power in that ancient talisman may not be able to be displayed in Yu Zu's fourth step. I have accumulated it for a long time. As long as he crushes it, it will all explode!"

The Phantom Demon Emperor said.

Indeed, as early as when Lin Chen obtained the ancient divine power, he believed that Lin Chen was most likely to be recognized by the sacred tablet and become the owner of the sacred tablet, so this person must not be left behind.

Therefore, he presented this ancient talisman to Lin Chen on the spot, as long as at a certain moment, he created a crisis that made Lin Chen have to crush the ancient talisman, then Lin Chen would surely die.

Everything went smoothly. When Lin Chen left the Great Thousand World and passed through the tunnel, the two chaotic evil spirits that had been arranged for a long time exploded themselves, causing the tunnel to collapse from both ends. Lin Chen in it , If you want to survive, you can only crush the ancient amulet.

And as long as he crushes the ancient amulet, he will be bombed to death immediately!
However, the Illusory Demon Emperor still underestimated Lin Chen, or rather overestimated the power of his ancient talisman.

After all, Lin Chen is extremely talented, possesses ancient divine power, and has two ancient dragon souls, all of which restrain the power of chaos. Therefore, the power of the ancient talisman's explosion has no impact on Lin Chen, as imagined by the Illusory Demon Emperor So powerful.

This is also the reason why Lin Chen didn't die tragically on the spot.

But then, in the boundless black hole, supporting the seriously injured and dying body with tenacious will, it was all due to the tenacity that Lin Chen had developed along the way.

Until the last moment, he would never give up lightly, even in such a seemingly certain death situation at this moment.

Consciousness has long been blurred to the extreme, and illusions have appeared in front of Lin Chen, and he vaguely saw the familiar faces, the people closest to him, as well as the evil spirit of chaos, the spirit of origin, one after another in front of him. Appearing in front of your eyes, like a flower in a mirror and a moon in water.

After several lives and deaths, Lin Chen was so close to death for the first time that hallucinations appeared before his eyes.

And the next moment, he felt that in his body, that Senluo Demon Tablet, at this moment, exuded a barren and ancient aura, which circulated and protected his whole body, accompanied by a The warm current also made Lin Chen's consciousness recover a little bit.

Immediately afterwards, he was extremely shocked to see that behind him, at the entrance of the black hole, there was actually a huge sacred monument, which was about to explode the black hole, flying towards him at a very high speed!
"Wa... the ancient god monument?!"

Lin Chen was surprised, opened his mouth wide, and looked at this huge sacred tablet. He would never have thought that at such a moment, this sacred tablet would appear!

There is a very long distance from the Eternal Shrine to the Liancheng Star Field. I really don't know how this stele flew over.

However, judging from the speed of the stele at this moment, Lin Chen could vaguely infer that the stele should have taken off just when he was in danger!
It is conceivable that there must have been an uproar at the Eternal Shrine.

Lin Chen breathed a sigh of relief. He felt that with the arrival of the ancient divine tablet, a more intense ancient divine power had poured into his body, allowing his injuries to recover quickly, and his whole body was once again Got some spirit.

The ancient divine power can be regarded as the most powerful force in this universe, and it can compete with the so-called spiritual power. Lin Chen's body already has the foundation of ancient divine power, and now it has been infused again. He faintly feels I realized that my half-step Shishen's cultivation base showed signs of breakthrough.

But it was obvious that now was not the time to make a breakthrough, so Lin Chen also forcibly suppressed this impulse.


The ancient sacred tablet stood in front of him, humming, and the complicated light patterns flickered on it, as if it contained the oldest secret in this universe.

Immediately afterwards, in Lin Chen's body, the Senluo Demonic Stele also manifested, slowly moved forward, and finally fit perfectly, embedded in the gap of the ancient divine stele.

Immediately, unprecedented fluctuations and rays of light emanated from the entire ancient divine tablet, and an incomparable aura of avenues slowly spread out, covering Lin Chen.

Slowly closing his eyes, an indescribable dao rhyme flowed from Lin Chen's whole body. All the injuries on his body were getting better at a speed visible to the naked eye. They all grow slowly, like newborns.

This kind of picture is extremely mysterious. If you don't see it with your own eyes, no one will believe it. However, Lin Chen at this moment is actually experiencing all this.

Where the stele stood, the devouring power of the black hole seemed to disappear, replaced by an absolute ancient force field that surrounded Lin Chen.

Immersed in the inheritance of such a great way, Lin Chen felt that he was undergoing a baptism from the inside out, a sublimation of the ancient great way!

"what happened?!"

"Why doesn't the black hole have the power to swallow?"

"So what happened?"

Outside the black hole, a group of people also looked at each other, looking at this scene, a little at a loss.

The existence of black holes is very rare in the entire universe. With manpower, it is impossible to destroy a black hole, nor can the devouring power inside it disappear completely.

But at this moment, such a situation happened in front of everyone, and no one could help but believe it.

"Go, go in and see!"

"It must be the power of the ancient god monument!"

"I dare not go in! I want to go to you!"

Among the crowd, some people couldn't hold back anymore and wanted to go in and explore.

Although black holes are scary, treasures like the Ancient God Tablet are enough to make many people forget about the danger.

"What's going on here? Is that kid dead or not!"

In the distance, the movement was also observed, Po Jun and Huan Mo both looked solemn.

Even if they don't want to admit it in their hearts, they still have to make such a guess.

Perhaps, Lin Chen is really not dead!
But how is this possible?
This completely overturned the world of the two of them. How could someone survive the explosion of the ancient amulet and survive in the black hole for so long?

Is Lin Chen still a human being?
(End of this chapter)

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