Chapter 9

it (it, its) + self (self) itself

by itself alone; alone / of itself / in itself; in essence

book jacket / life jacket / sports jacket / short-sleeved jacket / causal jacket / Chinese (Mandarin) jacket
winter coat winter short coat/sports shirt short-sleeved shirt/sweater sweater/men's shirt/woollen coat/nylon shirt/close—fitting pants; jeans/dinnerjacket small dress/woolen sweater/ T. shirt round neck sweater/knit shirt sweater/car coat mid-length coat/light overcoat thin coat/dress suit big dress/overcoat;great coat coat
be out of (a) job unemployment/make a good job of sth.Do something well/do a job/get a job/find a job/lose one's job/perform odd job/quit a job/hold a job/steady job/full —time job full-time job/part-time job part-time job/apply for a job job search/look for a job job search/do a good (bad) job well done (not good)/by the job by piece calculation/on the job is working (busy, operation)
join sb.Join a group and become one of them/join in sth.Participate in an activity/join up to connect; join the army; join the army/join forces to do (do)/join forces with cooperation; join hands with...joint action/join hands with; work together/join in to participate; join

join issue with has an argument against...; disagrees with.../join the colors join the army; join the army/join...together put...together.../join up join the army; join the army; join together/join up with and connect with... /join with combines with...; is consistent with...; together with...

go with go together/come with come together/accompany accompany/keep sb. company to accompany someone / take part in to join, to participate in

China——the WTO and became a new member of it last year.

A. joined B. join C. will join D. has joined
(Dongcheng District, Beijing, 2002)
Analysis sentence meaning: China joined the WTO last year and became a new member of it.The answer is A.Talk about last year, use the past tense joined.

1 was bornJuly 2, and my birthday is coming soon.

A. for B. at C. in D. on
(2001, Haidian District, Beijing)
Sentence meaning: I was born on July 7nd, and my birthday is coming soon.The answer is D. "-2 means that the preposition on is commonly used on a certain day or in the morning and afternoon of a certain day, such as: on Monday, on June 3, on a cold night, etc.

play (have) a joke on sb.Make fun of someone; make fun of someone/for(as)a joke just for a joke/tell a joke/carry(push)a joke too far/become(be)the joke/make a joke (jokes)about take...joke/joking apart(aside) get down to business

high jump high jump/jump into jump people/jump off jump away/jump on pounce on, blame/jump onto jump on/jump over skip/give sb. a jump frightens people / jump at sb. (sth.) To pounce on, attack; gladly accept/long jump long jump/jump the queue jump line/jump to one's feet jump up/broad jump long jump/pole jump pole vault/triple jump triple jump/jump onto a rock jumped onto a rock

jumper jumper/run rush; run/track footprint; track; runway; track race/skate skating/gym gymnastics; gymnasium; gymnasium/beam balance beam/handstand handstand/wrestling wrestling/boxing boxing/dive diving/swim swimming/relay race relay game

just now; not long ago/just then at that time/just as
(End of this chapter)

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