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Chapter 111 Do not store cooking oil in plastic containers

Chapter 111 Do not store cooking oil in plastic containers

Plastic containers for food are generally made of non-toxic plastic.It is said to be non-toxic because there are fewer types of additives added to these plastics, and these additives, such as plasticizers, are more or less harmful to human health.Since some additives are low-molecular-weight organic substances, long-term storage of edible oil with plastic products may cause these substances to interact with oil on the surface of plastic products to produce harmful substances, causing chemical pollution of edible oil and bringing harm to the human body. .Therefore, containers such as plastics cannot store grease.

It is best to store grease in a container that is sealed and does not chemically interact with grease. Ceramic containers meet this requirement; followed by enamel containers.Although glass containers are easy to seal and will not chemically react with oils, they can pass through a certain amount of ultraviolet rays. Under the action of ultraviolet rays, oils will accelerate oxidation and rancidity, so glass containers are not ideal containers for storing edible oils.

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Vitamin E is an antioxidant.Adding a vitamin E capsule to every 500 grams of edible oil (puncture the capsule with a needle) can prevent the edible oil from oxidizing and degrading within one year, and can increase nutrition.

(End of this chapter)

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