Family Life Knows Everything.

Chapter 112 Vegetables are placed vertically to keep them fresh and tender

Chapter 112 Vegetables are placed vertically to keep them fresh and tender

After buying vegetables, it is not advisable to put them flat, let alone upside down. The correct way is to tie them up and place them vertically. The reasons are:
From the appearance, as long as you observe carefully, you will find that the vegetables placed vertically look green, tender and upright, while the vegetables placed flat and upside down are yellow and wilting. The longer the time, the more obvious the difference.

From the perspective of nutritional value, the chlorophyll water content of vertically placed vegetables is more than that of horizontally placed vegetables, and the longer the elapsed time, the greater the difference. The hematopoietic components in chlorophyll have high nutritional value for the human body. The vitality of vegetables can make the loss of vitamins small, which is beneficial to the human body.Therefore, after buying vegetables, they should be placed vertically, and don't just throw them away.

family life made easy

Avoid washing eggplants with water before storing them, because after washing eggplants, the wax on the epidermis will be destroyed, and microorganisms are easy to invade, which will cause the eggplants to rot and deteriorate.

(End of this chapter)

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