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Chapter 115 Do not use raw or cold water for cooking, it will take fire to destroy nutrition

Chapter 115 Do not use raw or cold water for cooking, it will take fire to destroy nutrition

It is common practice to steam rice and cook rice by washing the rice and putting cold water on it before boiling, but in fact, the correct way is to boil the water first and use boiling water to cook the rice.So, what are the benefits of doing this?

1. Cooking rice in boiling water can shorten the cooking time and protect the vitamins in the rice.Since starch granules are insoluble in cold water, only when the water temperature is above 60°C will the starch absorb water, swell, burst, and turn into a paste.

Rice contains a lot of starch. When cooking rice with boiling water, the temperature is about 100°C (the boiling point of water). This temperature can make the rice quickly cooked, shorten the cooking time, and prevent the vitamins in the rice from being damaged due to long-term high-temperature heating. destroy.

2. Boil the water to volatilize the chlorine gas and avoid destroying vitamin B1.Vitamin B1 is the most important nutrient in rice. Its main function is to regulate the metabolism of carbohydrates in the body. If it is lacking, the nervous system will be affected, and it is prone to fatigue, loss of appetite, weakness of limbs, muscle aches, beriberi, edema, Heart rhythm disorder, intractable insomnia and other symptoms.The tap water we usually use is chlorinated. If you use this water to cook rice, the chlorine in the water will destroy the vitamin B1 in the rice in large quantities.When cooking rice with boiled water, chlorine has evaporated with water vapor, which greatly reduces the loss of vitamin B1 and other B vitamins.

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When cooking, add a small amount of salt and lard to the rice to make the rice soft and loose.In addition, if you add a few drops of vinegar to the water, the cooked rice will be whiter and more fragrant.

(End of this chapter)

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