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Chapter 119 Do not cool boiled eggs with cold water

Chapter 119 Do not cool boiled eggs with cold water
Some people like to cool boiled eggs in cold water, thinking that it is easy to peel off the shells, but in fact, this approach is very unscientific.This is because there is a protective film inside the shell of the egg. After the egg is cooked, the film is destroyed. When the boiled egg is placed in cold water, the egg shrinks violently, and a vacuum gap is formed between the egg white and the shell. Bacteria and viruses in the water are easily absorbed into the gap by negative pressure.In addition, bacteria in the cold water can also enter the egg through the stomata.In fact, put a little salt in the boiled eggs, and the cooked egg shells can be easily peeled off.

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Do not boil eggs with tea, because tea contains acidic substances in addition to alkaloids. These compounds combine with iron in eggs, which will stimulate the stomach accordingly, and are not conducive to digestion and absorption.

(End of this chapter)

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