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Chapter 13 Opening the window early in the morning is equal to introducing poison into the house

Chapter 13 Opening the window early in the morning is equal to introducing poison into the house

Many people are used to opening windows for ventilation in the morning and evening. In fact, opening windows at this time will be counterproductive.

Experts say that the reason why it is not advisable to open windows in the early morning is that there is not much oxygen in the air before dawn, because the carbon dioxide produced by trees is emitted into the air at night, and can only become oxygen after photosynthesis by the sun.Secondly, early morning is the peak period of air pollution. At this time, harmful gases in the air gather in the atmosphere closer to the ground. When the sun rises and the temperature rises, the harmful gases will slowly dissipate.

Before and after dark, as the temperature drops, dust and various harmful gases begin to deposit on the ground again, and it is not suitable to open windows for ventilation.

The best time to open windows for ventilation is 9-10 am and 3-4 pm.Because the temperature has risen during these two periods, the counterflow layer phenomenon has disappeared, and the harmful gases deposited at the bottom of the atmosphere have dissipated.

family life made easy

When cleaning the room, wet cleaning should be used to prevent dust from flying all over the room; in air-conditioned rooms, the filter screen of the air conditioner should be scrubbed frequently to prevent contamination of germs, and at the same time, windows should be opened regularly for ventilation.

(End of this chapter)

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