Chapter 14

After the weather turns hot, many people will find that there are more and more mosquitoes in their homes.Research by the Hong Kong Department of Health has found that mosquitoes are the main route of transmission of diseases such as dengue fever. Therefore, minimizing mosquitoes at home and avoiding mosquito breeding can achieve the purpose of disease prevention.

The Hong Kong Department of Health pointed out that the places where mosquitoes are most likely to breed can be roughly divided into two categories.One is artificial containers, such as water vases and flower pot trays, discarded tires, lunch boxes, tin cans, etc.Especially for people who live in one-story houses, the containers placed in the yard are likely to become an important place for mosquitoes to breed because of the stagnant water when it rains.The other is the natural environment, such as bamboo leaves and branches of other trees.Therefore, people with trees near their residences, especially those who have planted bamboo, should pay special attention to the airtightness of doors and windows to prevent mosquitoes from entering.

To reduce the breeding of mosquitoes, first of all, the water in the vase should be changed frequently, preferably once a day, and it should not be kept in a humid environment for a long time.Secondly, when watering the flowers, the excess water left in the tray under the flowerpot should be poured out in time and dried.Thirdly, water storage containers placed in the open air should be tightly covered; discarded beverage cans are most likely to accumulate water, and should be thrown away in time after use.In addition, it takes about 7 days for mosquitoes to change from young eggs to adults, so you should check the places where mosquitoes are easy to breed in your home every 7 days, and try to eliminate them before the young eggs become adults.

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Put a few peeled garlic heads in the room, the strong irritating gas produced by the garlic heads will make mosquitoes daunting.In addition, cooling oil and peppermint oil also have the effect of repelling mosquitoes.

(End of this chapter)

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