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Chapter 169 Gastrointestinal disease and reaction after meal

Chapter 169 Gastrointestinal disease and reaction after meal
There are many diseases of the digestive tract, but they are often overlooked because the symptoms are not obvious.Therefore, you should learn to self-examine from some inconspicuous symptoms after meals, so as to detect and treat them early.

1. Retrosternal blockage, pause, pain when eating, and sometimes mild and sometimes severe.This often suggests that the patient may have esophagitis, esophageal diverticulum, or early cancer of the esophagus.

2. Fullness after meals or all day long, belching but no acid reflux, poor appetite, gradual weight loss, mild pale or gray complexion, middle-aged and elderly people should consider chronic gastritis, especially chronic atrophic gastritis and gastroptosis .

3. Upper abdominal pain after meals, or nausea, vomiting, and food accumulation.Symptoms persist for many years, and often occur in autumn. The pain may be rhythmic, such as being cold, angry, or induced after eating irritating food, which may be gastric ulcer.

4. Stomach pain often occurs 2 hours after meals, or wakes up in the middle of the night, which can be relieved after eating. There is often acid reflux, and there may be duodenal ulcer or inflammation.

5. Abdominal pain after meals, often nausea, vomiting, occasional hematemesis, history of stomach disease in the past, aggravated recently, or no history of stomach disease in the past, accompanied by anemia, weight loss, lack of appetite, on the navel or If there is a hard lump in the heart, it is considered to be gastric cancer.

6. Abdominal pain and diarrhea after improper eating or exposure to cold may be accompanied by vomiting, chills and fever, which may be acute gastroenteritis or acute dysentery.

7. Diarrhea immediately after a meal, diarrhea once after a meal, a little cold or improper eating, sometimes diarrhea, sometimes constipation, diarrhea is watery, more mucus during constipation, sometimes abdominal distension and desire to defecate, but no stool when going to the toilet, If you haven't seen weight loss for several years, you are more likely to suffer from chronic allergic enteritis.

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Avoid eating sugar for stomach problems: Eating sugar will increase stomach acid, which will aggravate acid reflux and pain symptoms in the stomach.Avoid garlic for diarrhea: Although garlic has a bactericidal effect, it also has a strong stimulating effect.Diarrhea should also avoid milk and eggs: drinking milk will aggravate abdominal pain and diarrhea symptoms; eggs are not only difficult to digest, but also aggravate diarrhea symptoms.

(End of this chapter)

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