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Chapter 170 Capturing Early Signals of Gynecologic Tumors

Chapter 170 Capturing Early Signals of Gynecologic Tumors

Chapter 1213 Capturing early signals of gynecological tumors

Due to various reasons, women are prone to female-specific tumors. For gynecological tumors, as long as they improve their self-care awareness and pay attention to their physical conditions, they can be prevented.

1 Abnormal leucorrhea

When a tumor occurs in the female genital tract, the tumor appears necrotic and ulcerated, and watery, bloody, and rice soup-like leucorrhea may appear. If combined with infection, it may have a bad smell.Abnormal vaginal discharge may be a manifestation of cervical cancer, endometrial cancer, or fallopian tube cancer.

2 menstrual changes

When there are tumors in the uterine cavity, such as uterine fibroids, endometrial cancer, uterine sarcoma, and choriocarcinoma, abnormal menstruation may occur, including excessive menstrual flow, irregular cycle, prolonged menstrual duration, and dripping bleeding, etc. .Certain tumors of the ovary such as granulosa cell tumors and theca cell tumors can secrete estrogen and interfere with the menstrual cycle, thereby causing abnormal menstruation.

3 Diet and urine changes

The initial manifestations of ovarian cancer may only be abdominal distension, anorexia, and gastrointestinal symptoms. Tumor compression or invasion of the bladder and rectum can cause frequent urination, dysuria, and dry stool.

4 postmenopausal bleeding

During the first year of amenorrhea, there is occasional vaginal bleeding.If there is vaginal bleeding after menopause for more than 1 year, it is called postmenopausal bleeding.There are many reasons for postmenopausal bleeding, most of which are caused by benign diseases, but the possibility of cervical cancer and endometrial cancer cannot be ruled out.

5 Abdominal pain

Torsion, rupture or infection of ovarian tumors, prolapse of uterine submucous fibroids from the cervix or degeneration of fibroids can all cause severe lower abdominal pain.

6 Incidentally discovered genital masses

These tumors are generally touched by patients unconsciously. Even if there are no symptoms, they should be highly valued and treated in time to avoid delaying the best time for treatment.

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Gynecologists remind all female friends: To grasp the changes in the body in time, regular gynecological examinations should be carried out to confirm whether there are gynecological inflammations or tumors; cure inflammation through various treatment methods, and remove tumors in time through minimally invasive surgery, in exchange for relaxation and health.

(End of this chapter)

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