Family Life Knows Everything.

Chapter 173 Honey Therapy Against Colds

Chapter 173 Honey Therapy Against Colds
What we commonly call "cold" or "cold" refers to infections of the nose, pharynx, and throat (upper respiratory tract infection), and is the most common respiratory infectious disease.Bee products and their formulations have a good preventive effect on this.The following formulations are available for readers' reference:

1. Uncaria honey tea
Recipe: 15 grams each of honey and Uncaria, and 1 gram of green tea.

Usage: Add 500 ml of water to Uncaria vine, boil for 3 minutes, remove the residue, add honey and green tea; take 1 dose a day, divided into 3 times and take warm.

Indications: Influenza.

Explanation: Influenza is caused by viruses, manifested as nasal congestion, sneezing, sore throat, hoarseness, cough, fever, headache, body pain, peripheral blood leukopenia, etc., and has an epidemic trend.

2. Honey ginger cold drink

Recipe: appropriate amount of honey and ginger juice.

Usage: Mix honey and ginger juice in a ratio of 1:1 to drink.

Indications: Common cold.

Explanation: The common cold is "cold", which is mostly caused by viruses. The systemic manifestations are milder than those of influenza, such as headache, toothache, and fever.

3. Lemon honey tea
Recipe: 100 grams of honey, 1 lemon.

Usage: Squeeze lemon juice, dissolve in 800ml of boiling water, mix with 100g of honey for 1 day's supply.

Indications: Influenza or common cold.

4. Fresh honey black tea
Recipe: 60 grams of honey, some black tea.

Usage: 60 grams of honey is made into strong black tea to drink.

Indications: Influenza or common cold.

5. Garlic honey drink

Recipe: appropriate amount of honey and garlic.

Usage: Peel, wash, grind the garlic, add the same amount of honey and mix well; take 2 times a day, 1 tablespoon of garlic honey each time, with warm water.

Indications: Influenza.

6. Honey milk cold tea

Recipe: 15 grams of honey, 1 cup of milk.

Usage: Boil fresh milk, add honey to drink when the temperature drops to 60℃, take twice a day.

Indications: cold.

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Cold patients hope to get well sooner and reduce their fever quickly. Many people think that the effect of taking medicine is too slow, and they are especially keen on infusion therapy.In fact, not all cold and fever patients need infusion therapy. Except for those who usually suffer from chronic diseases or the elderly and infirm need infusion, young and middle-aged people and those who are usually in good physical condition generally do not need infusion when they have a cold. Have a good attitude, drink plenty of water, pay attention to rest, and you will get better soon.

(End of this chapter)

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