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Chapter 174 Chewing peanuts can get rid of bad breath

Chapter 174 Chewing peanuts can get rid of bad breath
Many elderly people always have some unexplained bad breath. As long as they can chew peanuts, it will have an immediate miraculous effect on improving bad breath.This is because peanuts contain a variety of natural aromatic substances, and their smell is fresh and natural. Compared with methods such as chewing gum, peanuts can make the mouth smell more natural.

According to the "China Medical News" report, modern medical research has shown that β-sitosterol in peanuts can inhibit the growth of oral bacteria and have certain anti-cancer effects.

"Compendium of Materia Medica" also contains: "Peanuts delight the spleen and stomach, moisten the intestines and resolve phlegm, nourish qi, clear the throat and relieve itching." In Chinese medicine, peanuts are occasionally used to treat digestive and respiratory diseases such as chronic gastritis and bronchitis.Therefore, people with bad breath can chew peanuts in small amounts and repeatedly once a day.However, patients with hyperlipidemia, cholecystectomy, dyspepsia and bruises and bruises will aggravate their condition after eating. Therefore, when using peanuts to eliminate bad breath, they should be chewed and then spit out.

family life made easy

In addition to brushing teeth and gargling after meals and before going to bed, maintaining oral hygiene, and using aromatic refreshing agents, the prevention and treatment of bad breath should also pay attention to the treatment of psychological disorders, try to improve mood, and adjust the state of mind to a good state.

(End of this chapter)

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