Family Life Knows Everything.

Chapter 180 What should I do if I have hemorrhoids

Chapter 180 What should I do if I have hemorrhoids

As the saying goes, "nine out of ten hemorrhoids", many people are suffering from hemorrhoids, and many people seek medical treatment everywhere, taking medicine, injections, and using folk remedies, but none of them work. At this time, you may wish to try the following Wonderful method, maybe it will bring you a miracle.

1. Black fungus cures hemorrhoids.150 grams of black fungus, soaked in warm water and washed, 1 hour before meals, chewed and swallowed, 3 times a day, and it can be cured after eating for more than 10 days.If the hemorrhoids are serious, you can take it continuously until it is better.

2. Clematis and Machiling treat hemorrhoids.90 grams of Clematis or 250 grams of Purslane, decocted and smoked first, then washed.

3. Mulberry cures hemorrhoids.Take 60 grams of mulberry juice, cook porridge with 240 grams of japonica rice, and eat it while it is hot on an empty stomach.

4. Turtle head cures hemorrhoids.2 soft-shelled turtle heads, put them on the fire with tiles to dry (slightly scorched), mash and grind into powder, mix with 250 grams of honey, take one tablespoon each morning and evening, and serve with rice wine, it has special effects.

5. Turtle head cures hemorrhoids.Dry the turtle head, grind it into powder, mix it thoroughly with sesame oil, wash the affected part and apply it on the skin, and use it for a week to heal.

6. Turn white grass, Glauber's salt to treat hemorrhoids.90 grams of white grass, 15 grams of Glauber's salt, decoction, fumigation and sitz bath, to treat internal hemorrhoids, inflammatory and thrombotic external hemorrhoids.

7. Persimmon bark treats hemorrhoids.Use 120 grams of persimmon bark, dry it in the sun, grind it into fine powder, and take it with rice soup once a day for 1 weeks to cure hemorrhoids and bleeding.Jujube is sweet and warm in nature. It is a medicine for nourishing the spleen and stomach. Patients with neurasthenia, upset and insomnia can use 2-30 grams of jujube, add a little sugar to decoct water, and take it every night before going to bed. It has a good effect.

8. Radish cures hemorrhoids.Cut the white radish into thick slices, boil it with water, remove the radish, fumigate and wash the affected area while it is hot, boil the water for 5 days, and heat it before use. 5 days is a course of treatment, and about 4 courses of treatment can remove the root.

family life made easy

In the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids, we must pay attention to the small details, such as light diet, drinking plenty of water, not sitting for long periods of time, exercising more, and defecation regularly.

(End of this chapter)

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