Family Life Knows Everything.

Chapter 233 Don't panic when the bug gets into your ear

Chapter 233 Don't panic when the bug gets into your ear
In spring, the climate gradually warms up, everything recovers, and there are more small flying insects. The ENT clinic has received many patients with flying insects in their ears.The doctor reminded: small flying insects flying into the ears are most likely to damage hearing.

The human external auditory canal is a tube with an open end, about 2.5 to 3 cm long.Many small insects, especially small moths and mosquitoes, are easy to fly into the ears. The small insects crawl, stir, and struggle in the ear canal. Because the skin in the ear canal is relatively delicate and the nerves are rich, the ears feel itchy and painful.When these bugs crawl or fly in the ear canal, they often cause unbearable rumbling tinnitus and pain to people.When flying insects touch the tympanic membrane deep in the ear canal, it can also cause symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, and vomiting.If you keep touching the ear canal or pinna, it will only make the bugs in the ear canal fly and crawl, which will increase the pain.Severe cases can cause trauma to the tympanic membrane, damage the ossicles, and affect hearing.

If small flying insects fly into the ears, you may wish to take advantage of the phototropic biological characteristics of some insects. You can use the light of a flashlight to illuminate the opening of the external auditory canal in the dark. One puff of a cigarette, choking the bug out.If the above method does not work, you can lie on your side so that the affected ear is upward, and drip a few drops of edible oil into the back ear to stick or kill the bugs, and suffocate them.When the bugs in the ear stop struggling, rinse the ear canal with warm water to flush out the bugs.In ancient Chinese medical books, there have been records of "a hundred insects enter the ear, pour them with good wine" and drip sesame oil into the ear orifice to kill the insects.The purpose of using wine and oil is to drown or kill the bugs quickly, even if they are not dead, they will be immobilized, which can reduce some pain, and then calmly go to the otolaryngology department of the hospital and ask the doctor for help.

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After the bugs fly into the ears, you must not use the earpick to pick them out randomly. Once you pick them out, the bugs will fly inward when stimulated, which is more likely to damage the eardrum.

(End of this chapter)

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