Family Life Knows Everything.

Chapter 234 Sprain, so calmly deal with it

Chapter 234 Sprain, so calmly deal with it
When the joint is not fully prepared, excessive twisting exceeds its normal range of motion, tearing the joint capsule, ligaments and tendons attached to the outside of the joint, which is a sprain, commonly known as "muscle injury".Common symptoms of sprains include pain, swelling, and poor joint movement. Pain is an inevitable symptom. Swelling, bruising of the skin, and inability to rotate joints are common manifestations of sprains.

Don't panic after a sprain, you should deal with it calmly.

1. Sprained fingers during exercise
It is most common when playing basketball, when the last finger touches the ball, there will be pain like electric shock and suddenly stop moving.Immediately stop exercising after the injury, and apply cold compresses, preferably ice cubes, first.But if there is no condition, ice water can be used instead.Soak your fingers in ice water for about 15 minutes, then wrap them with a cold damp cloth.Fix the finger in the straight position with adhesive tape.Check the range of motion of the fingers. If the extension and bending of the fingers are limited or the distal fingers are drooping, it may be an avulsion fracture, and you must go to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment.

2. Ankle sprain

In first aid, ice cubes can be wrapped in a towel and applied externally. After 48 hours, a hot towel can be applied externally (the skin damage is not serious).The first is to brake and rest, and use pillows to prop up the calf to promote venous return and dissipate the congestion.In addition, tea, rice wine, egg white, etc. can be used to adjust and apply Yunnan Baiyao, Qilisan, etc., and apply to the wound 2 to 3 times a day, plus a bandage to promote the dissipation of congestion, which has a better effect.

3. Waist sprain
Seen in sudden turning around or uneven force when two people lift objects, the main point of treatment is rest.A cold compress should be applied locally, and a comfortable position should be adopted as much as possible, or lying on the side, or lying on the back with flexion, and a blanket or the like under the knees.After the pain is relieved, it is best to lie on a hard board bed and send it to the hospital or find a doctor to treat it at home.

The above sprains can be taken at home with drugs to promote blood circulation and relieve pain, such as 2 pieces of Yunnan Baiyao Capsules, three times a day; or 2 tablets of Panax notoginseng, three times a day, and take an analgesic such as Sanlitong 1 tablet, twice a day.

family life made easy

After a sprain, you should pay attention to two points:
1. It is best for people with lumbar sprain to sleep on a hard bed, tie a wide belt, and exercise the muscles of the lower back.

2. Do not rest without rest during the recovery period of the sprain, and have more activities, resulting in no time for soft tissue repair, new injuries become old injuries, local persistent pain, and bruising.

Gas poisoning, family first aid "four steps"

Gas poisoning is actually acute carbon monoxide poisoning.When carbon monoxide is inhaled into the human body, it combines with hemoglobin in the blood to form carboxyhemoglobin, which is not easy to dissociate, resulting in hypoxia and poisoning.Mildly poisoned patients are still conscious, manifested as dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, palpitations and other symptoms; moderately poisoned patients are concurrently confused, and the skin and mucous membranes are cherry red; severe patients have coma, shock, and life-threatening.Since the degree of gas poisoning is closely related to the length of time the patient stays in the poisoned environment and the level of the gas concentration in the air, when gas poisoning is found in the family, it is necessary to race against time for rescue.Family first aid should be tense and orderly, follow the following 4 steps:
1. Open the doors and windows and move the patient out of the room to a place with fresh, ventilated and warm air. At the same time, turn off the switch of the gas stove and lift the stove to the outside.

2. Check whether the patient's respiratory tract is unblocked. If there is vomit and secretions in the nose and mouth, they should be removed immediately so that the patient can breathe spontaneously.For those who are breathing shallowly or who have stopped breathing, perform mouth-to-mouth breathing immediately.The method is: let the patient lie on his back, loosen the collar and tight clothes, the rescuer pinches the patient's nostrils tightly with one hand, supports the patient's jaw with the other hand, makes his head fully tilted back, and opens the patient's lips with this hand, the rescuer Take a deep breath and blow into the patient's mouth.Immediately after the insufflation stops, relax the hand pinching the nose to allow the air to escape from the patient's lungs.So repeated, the frequency is 14 to 16 times per minute for adults, 18 to 24 times for children, and 30 times for young children.Until the patient has spontaneous breathing or obvious signs of death.

3. Cover the patient with a coat or blanket or quilt to prevent colds and pneumonia.Massage the patient's body with the palm of your hand, and place a hot water bottle on the feet and lower limbs to promote the elimination of inhaled poisons.


Generally, the symptoms of mild poisoning patients can gradually disappear after the above treatment.

family life made easy

For patients with severe poisoning, after the above treatment, they should be sent to the hospital as soon as possible, and care should be taken not to interrupt the rescue measures during the transportation of the patient.

(End of this chapter)

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