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Chapter 237 Heat stroke has harbingers, and there are many first aid measures

Chapter 237 Heat stroke has harbingers, and there are many first aid measures

When a person works for a certain period of time in a high-temperature environment (generally refers to a room temperature exceeding 35°C) or under the scorching sun, without adequate heatstroke prevention and cooling measures, the heat accumulated in the body cannot be dissipated outward, resulting in obstacles to body temperature regulation, such as Excessive sweating, the body loses a lot of water and salt, then it is easy to cause heat stroke.Under the same temperature conditions, if accompanied by high humidity and static airflow, it is more likely to cause heat stroke.In addition, working with illness, excessive fatigue, lack of sleep, and mental stress are also common causes of heat stroke.

The onset of heatstroke is sudden, and most patients have prodromal symptoms such as dizziness, vertigo, headache, nausea, chest tightness, and irritability.

The effect of heat stroke treatment largely depends on whether the rescue is timely. If it can be detected and treated in time, the occurrence and development of heat stroke can be completely prevented.So, what first aid measures should be taken in case of heat stroke?
First of all, the patient should be quickly moved away from the high-temperature environment to a well-ventilated and cool place, untie the patient's clothes, and wipe the face and body with cold water, especially the parts where the large blood vessels are distributed, such as the neck, armpits and groin. Put an ice pack.Supplement the patient with light salt water or cool drinks containing salt, or blow the patient with an electric fan, or place the patient in an air-conditioned room (the temperature should not be too low, keep it at 22°C to 25°C).

At the same time, massage the patient's limbs vigorously to prevent stagnation of blood circulation.When the patient wakes up, give the patient some cold boiled water, and at the same time take Shidishui or Rendan and other heatstroke prevention medicines.For those with severe heatstroke, in addition to immediately transferring them from a high-temperature environment to a cool and ventilated place, the patient should also be sent to the hospital for emergency treatment to avoid life-threatening.

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In the high temperature season, and in the case of a lot of sweating, drinking light salt water or salt tea can supplement the lost salt in the body and achieve the purpose of heatstroke prevention.In addition, those who work in high temperature should undergo a physical examination, and those who suffer from cardiovascular disease, persistent hypertension, active tuberculosis, ulcer disease and other diseases should leave their jobs in high temperature environments.

(End of this chapter)

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