Family Life Knows Everything.

Chapter 238 Don't fall into the misunderstanding of financial management

Chapter 238 Don't fall into the misunderstanding of financial management
Chapter No.17 Manage money, the first step of wealth winner

Financial management is a long process.The purpose of financial management is to help people realize their ideals and goals in life.But financial management is by no means an easy task, and we must pay attention to avoiding the following misunderstandings:

1. No money, no money management

There is no fixed limit to financial management. There are ways to have more money, and tricks to have less money. The key depends on whether you have the awareness of financial management.

2. Don’t dare to rely on others for financial management
As a modern person, we should realize that the emergence of financial consultants is the inevitable result of social specialization and is a normal economic phenomenon.Therefore, if you are good at using the help of professional financial consultants, financial management will be more scientific and convenient.

3. Financial management has a herd mentality
Many people are greatly influenced by the demonstration effect in the process of financial management. They like to watch what others do and tend to follow the trend.In fact, these people did not analyze their own situation in detail, and the final result was mostly failure.Therefore, establishing your own financial investment philosophy and goals is the most important.

4. Wealth without revealing it

Most people are afraid of revealing their wealth. Although they are very rich, they store money or gold, silver and jewelry in a safe, thinking that it is not safe to store them in other places.In fact, this is a bad way to manage money, and this behavior has inflationary losses.Such as depositing money in the bank is a safer approach because it can generate interest income.

5. Debt Free
Many people think that self-improvement and self-reliance are the embodiment of personality, so they have the mentality of "don't ask others for everything" and are unwilling to borrow money until the critical moment.The development of modern economy proves that moderate debt can accelerate the accumulation of wealth under the condition of economic security.Therefore, borrowing chickens to lay eggs and borrowing money to make money are important means of wealth accumulation.

6. There is short-sightedness and a mentality of getting rich

If there is money to flow quickly, to make money quickly, to do a one-shot deal, such a result will only lead to a comprehensive crisis of trust in the end.Therefore, to make money, you must focus on the long-term and plan to save money for a long time.

family life made easy

Don't expect to make money from gambling, gambling involves a lot of chance.A man who bets his fortune on chance bets is sure to lose.

(End of this chapter)

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