Family Life Knows Everything.

Chapter 240 Borrowing money from others requires 3 thoughts

Chapter 240 Think Twice About Borrowing Money from Others

People will always encounter various financial difficulties, and borrowing money is also a common thing.

Borrowing money generally has the following situations: One is emergency expenditure, such as something happens at home, which can be paid with savings.The second is to buy something of higher value, such as a car, a house or land, etc., pay part of the money first, and then borrow the rest.Before borrowing money, you should know whether your financial situation is red.First, check yourself for overspending.Do you have no idea about spending?Swiping a credit card doesn't seem to pay?Life is wasted?Running out of money before the end of the month?Second, check whether you have the habit of borrowing new debts to pay off old debts.Did you borrow money to repay the previous debts in order to make up for the previous financial holes, and the holes got bigger and bigger?If you have any of the above situations, you must first adjust your income and expenditure, for example, increase your income by taking part-time jobs, save on food, clothing, housing, transportation or entertainment expenses, get through this "economic crisis" first, and when you are sure that you have the ability to repay, then It is more appropriate to talk about borrowing money or financing.

family life made easy

"If you borrow and repay, it's not difficult to borrow again." Any loan must be repaid within the agreed time limit, otherwise your credit will be reduced, making it difficult to borrow again.

(End of this chapter)

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