Family Life Knows Everything.

Chapter 241 Don't Spend Your Windfall Money Randomly

Chapter 241 Don't Spend Your Windfall Money Randomly
One day, you may receive a large windfall, sometimes from work, like a pension payment; sometimes not from work, like a court judgment, inheritance or winning a lottery wait.A large windfall, if not handled properly, can reduce the amount of money, and even if you increase it, the situation is not good for you to hold this money, because taxes and inflation are to maintain wealth. Natural enemies.What is more terrifying than these two natural enemies is your habit of spending money and abusing after you get rich.

So, how to deal with a windfall, the following 5 points you should remember:

1. Remember, there is only one windfall in a person's life, just like an inheritance, which cannot be replaced by a new one.Therefore, careful and conservative handling of this money can permanently increase income.

2. To diversify the risk of windfall, the risk of some investment tools will be offset by other safe tools.

3. To consider the impact of inflation, assuming that the inflation rate in the next few years is 4%, your investment return must reach at least this rate after tax to maintain your purchasing power.

4. If your windfall is a lump sum pension payment, arrange for it to be transferred to an individual retirement account.

5. Be smart, don't spend money recklessly, otherwise you will spend the original money because of the strong inertia of spending money.We should not let this money induce us to spend money badly, but let this money make us a smart financial expert and prepare us for more wealth in the future.

family life made easy

In family life, we must always keep in mind that we can live within our means, and don’t spend tens of thousands of dollars on decorations that are not necessary, or even higher prices to make the home look more luxurious.Home should be based on the principles of cleanliness, brightness, experience, and benefits, so that life will be more relaxed and comfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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