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Chapter 273 To remove oil from the face, frequent face washing does not work

Chapter 273 To remove oil from the face, frequent face washing does not work

The oily face is a summer nightmare for many women. The feeling of oil mixed with sweat is really unbearable, not to mention the miserable state of pores being enlarged by oil after putting on makeup.Some people can't help but wash their face frequently, hoping to wash away the shine.This is actually a misunderstanding.

In fact, the oil and water secretion of normal skin should be in a balanced state. If you simply wash or absorb the oil on the skin surface, it will cause the face to temporarily lose oil, but will stimulate the sebaceous glands to secrete more oil.So in this sense, hydration is the key to oil control.In addition to drinking plenty of water, you should also use skin care products with good moisturizing effects. Only by providing moderate oil-free moisturizing to the skin can the skin be adjusted to the best state of water-oil balance.

In order to really bid farewell to oily shine, you need to apply a mask once a week or two, and choose a mud cream mask with kaolin or natural mud that can absorb oil to help exfoliate cuticles and improve acne.Pay attention to applying more moisturizing masks, but don't choose too thick essence masks.As for masks that are too nutritious, there are also sealed jelly masks that are not suitable for applying too much.You can judge whether the mask is suitable for your skin by observing whether the oil secretion of the skin is strong within a few days after applying it.

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People with oily skin can use eggs to prevent wrinkles and moisturize the skin. The specific method is: take 1/4 of an egg, and quickly apply the egg white or egg yolk to the face. Wash it clean, 10-15 times a week.

(End of this chapter)

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