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Chapter 274 Dry Skin Cannot Wash Your Face Frequently

Chapter 274 Dry Skin Cannot Wash Your Face Frequently

Because dry skin itself does not secrete much oil, if you wash your face frequently, it will make the dryness worse.Therefore, it is best not to wash your face more than twice a day, and it is best to wash your face with water and try to avoid using soap.After washing your face, you should choose a moisturizing lotion that contains moisturizing formulas such as hyaluronic acid and plant extracts.Dry skin has less moisture in the stratum corneum, and the skin is prone to fine cracks. While moisturizing the skin, it is also necessary to properly replenish oil. Highly moisturizing and non-greasy creams are also a good choice.

In addition, excessive washing of the face by people with oily skin will also cause the surface of the skin to dry out and cause peeling. The general scientific frequency of washing the face is once in the morning and at night.

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Dry skin is prone to dandruff and allergies, and may also be accompanied by fine wrinkles around the eyes. Anti-aging care for this type of skin is particularly important. In addition to replenishing moisture with moisturizing essence, it is also necessary to apply One moisturizing mask.

(End of this chapter)

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