Chapter 322

While the journey releases the body and mind, don't forget about safety, so it is best to buy an insurance before traveling.

1. Passenger accident insurance
During the leisure trip, you always want to participate in exciting and thrilling travel projects. It is recommended that you invest in insurance when participating in the following travel:
(1) Ecotourism: such as watching animals in a wild animal park, picnicking and camping in a wild botanical garden.

(2) Thrilling travel: such as rafting with rapid currents, rock climbing on cliffs, etc.

(3) Adventure travel: such as exploring the Grand Canyon, traveling to the vast desert and prairie, and exploring caves.

Personal accident insurance for voluntary travel, each insurance premium is only 1 yuan, the insurance amount is 10 yuan, and a maximum of [-] insurance policies can be purchased at a time.The insurance period is from the time of purchasing insurance to enter a tourist attraction or scenic spot to the time of leaving the scenic spot.What needs to be emphasized here is that passengers can choose to buy or not to buy the insurance according to the safety factor of the tourism project.

2. Personal insurance for accommodation passengers
When traveling, accommodation is unavoidable, and during the stay, unexpected situations are always unpredictable: what should you do if you encounter injustice, act bravely and get injured?What should you do if you are robbed by pickpockets?What should you do when you are attacked by gangsters?
The personal insurance for accommodation passengers during travel guarantees this right for you.The insurance premium is 1 yuan per insurance, and the insurance period is 15 days from zero o'clock on the day of accommodation. The insurance can be renewed upon expiration, and multiple insurances can be purchased at one time.Each insurance liability is divided into three aspects: one is the insurance premium of 5 yuan for the staying passengers; the other is the insurance premium of 000 yuan for the accommodation passengers who are brave enough to stand up for justice; the third is the compensation of 1 yuan for the accidental damage or robbery of the passengers’ personal belongings .

During the insurance period, if a passenger suffers from an accident, an external attack, murder, or to protect the safety of his own or other people’s life and property, resulting in his own death, disability, or loss of physical function, or the personal belongings are stolen or robbed, the insurance company will pay according to different standards. Pay insurance money.

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For outbound travelers, travel assistance insurance should be purchased. This type of insurance is generally offered by domestic insurance companies and is jointly launched by insurance companies and the International Rescue Center.Tourists can call for free assistance no matter they are in danger at home or abroad.

(End of this chapter)

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