Family Life Knows Everything.

Chapter 323 Talking about eating and drinking during the journey

Chapter 323 Talking About Eating and Drinking During the Journey
"Disease enters through the mouth", this saying is not false at all. A healthy diet is very important to us at any time.Although it is impossible to be as particular about everything when going out as at home, you must not be sloppy when it comes to eating, and the loss caused by a moment of relaxation may be huge. Here are some essentials about "eating" during travel:

1. Melons and fruits must be washed or peeled to eat.

Eat melons and fruits must be peeled.

2. Treat each meal with caution, and it is unacceptable to be hungry.

Generally, you can eat at high-end and high-end restaurants with confidence; eat at food stalls selectively; don't eat at stalls or along the street (sold by carts).

3. Learn to identify whether the hygiene of restaurants is qualified.

The general standard of qualification should be: have sanitation permit, have clean water source, have disinfection equipment, fresh food raw materials, no mosquitoes and flies, have dust-proof equipment, and the surrounding environment is clean, etc.

4. Eat in moderation on board the car, ship or plane.

When traveling, due to the lack of exercise conditions, the digestion process of food is prolonged and slowed down. If you do not eat moderately, it will inevitably increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract and cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

After talking about eating, let's talk about drinking.In a sense, drinking water may be more important for people than eating, because the water in the human body accounts for about 60% of the total, and it is inevitable that you will encounter situations where you can’t go to the village or go to the store when you travel outside. Drinking water is right for people. The health impact of drinking water is definitely great, and it will cause dehydration in severe cases.Even if you have water to drink, you must drink it healthily. Now I will introduce the "six tips" for drinking water every day:
1. Drink before you are thirsty - drink as much water as possible before going out in the morning, including milk and porridge for breakfast.

2. Take small sips and slow drinks - when you are thirsty during the journey, you can only drink a few small sips of water or tea intermittently, and do not "drink with cattle" to avoid damaging the water-salt balance in the body.

3. Use syrup instead of drinking water - when you are hungry and thirsty on the way, you may wish to use mung bean soup, eight-treasure porridge and other syrup instead of drinking water, which is more in line with physiological requirements.

4. Don't be greedy for cold drinks - when you are hot and thirsty, don't be greedy for ice cream, ice soda and other cold drinks, otherwise the more you eat, the thirstier you will be, and it will easily hurt your spleen and stomach.

5. Look for springs for drinking—try not to drink natural water in the wild, and only drink spring water in mountains and forests as a last resort, and do not drink river water, snowmelt water, or roadside streams.

6. Drink freely when you come back—drink tea slowly before going back to the place to take a bath in the evening, and continue to drink tea after dinner until you urinate.

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It is best to prepare a pot of tea and add some salt before the trip.Green tea can produce body fluid and quench thirst, and salt can prevent excessive sweating from causing insufficient salt in the body.During the journey, drink more water and drink less water. When you are thirsty, you should not drink all at once, but drink water several times.

(End of this chapter)

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