Family Life Knows Everything.

Chapter 327 Don't Wash Your Face With Stream Water During Outings

Chapter 327 Don't Wash Your Face With Stream Water During Outings

Hong Kong's "Ming Pao" once reported that several local mountaineering enthusiasts sweated on the way to the mountain and washed their faces with stream water when they rested. After a few weeks, they experienced intermittent nasal congestion and epistaxis.After a doctor's examination, it was found that the leeches in the stream had drilled into the nostrils.Doctors suggest that when traveling, do not wash your face, bathe or swim in the stream, let alone think that it is "natural mineral water" and you can drink it casually.

Although the examples encountered by Hong Kong climbers are not common, they remind us that the seemingly clear and transparent streams are not as clean as we think.Experts from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control also pointed out that in recent years, the number of infectious diseases caused by recreational water, such as swimming pools, lakes, streams and other water bodies, has been increasing year by year.

Most of the most common waterborne diseases are caused by pathogenic microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Therefore, do not underestimate the impact of stream water on health.It contains a large number of inorganic, organic and aquatic organisms, and the diseases that may be transmitted include schistosomiasis, pink eye, hepatitis, cholera, typhoid and dysentery.

With the development of industry, the discharged pollutants continue to enter rivers, lakes, oceans or groundwater, which is also an important reason for the pollution of streams.Therefore, you must be vigilant about the stream when you go out to play.

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You can use wet wipes to wipe your face during the journey, which is hygienic and convenient. After using the wet wipes, you must moisturize your skin. You can carry toner or spray with you, and pat it on the skin every 2 to 4 hours to replenish moisture for the skin and nutrition.

(End of this chapter)

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