Chapter 328

Travel consumes a lot of physical energy, and only by taking a full rest can you eliminate fatigue and restore physical strength as soon as possible. Therefore, accommodation during travel is very important.

Many people like to sleep in the wild when they travel in summer. It may be for the sake of coolness or pursuit of fun, but this method is not good for health.If you sleep in the wild, you will feel dizzy, headache, or experience abdominal pain, diarrhea, sore limbs, and general discomfort after waking up the next day, which will not only affect your interest in traveling, but may also cause other diseases.This is because when the human body sleeps, the entire body is in a state of relaxation, the body's metabolism is also weakened, and the ability to resist diseases is reduced.In the middle of the night, the temperature is lower, and the temperature difference between the human body and the outside world is also larger. Coupled with the invasion of "thief wind", it is easy to cause the above symptoms.

In addition, sleeping in the wild will also be bitten by mosquitoes and snakes.Mosquitoes not only hinder the rest of the human body, but also infect diseases such as malaria and meningitis.If you are accidentally bitten by a snake or scorpion, it will cause poisoning and even life-threatening.Therefore, it is best not to sleep in the wild when traveling in the wild.

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Even if you sleep in the open, you should choose a place that is dry, ventilated, flat, and close to a water source.If you sleep on the mountain, it is best to choose the south slope, because it is not only sheltered from the wind, but also the sun can be seen first in the morning, so you can feel comfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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