Family Life Knows Everything.

Chapter 329 Sun Protection: Enjoy the Romance of the Sea Easily

Chapter 329 Sun Protection: Enjoy the Romance of the Sea Easily
80% of human skin aging is caused by ultraviolet rays in the sun, such as pigmentation, loss of skin elasticity, wrinkles, and skin cancer.If you can master some knowledge and essentials of sun protection, apply some sunscreen products, etc., it seems to be a protective umbrella for the skin under the scorching sun.The essentials of sun protection after swimming in summer are: 1. Apply some sunscreen every 2 to 3 hours to reduce damage to your skin;
2. It is not enough to use sunscreen alone, it is best to wear sunglasses when going out;
3. Apply sunscreen and cosmetics after cleansing, applying toner and day cream;
4. The shelf life of sunscreen products is generally 2 years, but the ingredients will change after opening and using.New sunscreen products should be replaced every year, and should be stored in a cool place at ordinary times.

5. In addition, regardless of men and women, the hair also "refuses to kiss" the sun.The sun's heat can lighten hair color, make hair lose luster and moisture, make hair deformed, frizzy, difficult to comb, and increase oil secretion of scalp.Especially after the baptism of sea water and sunlight, the hair suffers more damage and becomes more dry and brittle.At this time, you should choose to use nourishing hair care products containing silicone ingredients, which can form a protective film on the surface of the hair to block the damage of ultraviolet rays and prevent the loss of moisture inside the hair.Before a seaside vacation, it is even more important to perform a deep oil treatment on the hair to inject moisture into the deep layer of the hair and add a reflective protective film on the surface to endow the hair with the ability to effectively resist ultraviolet rays.

Therefore, while enjoying the natural style and romance when dating the sea in summer, people should also take adequate sun protection measures to prevent your skin from being burned and your hair from losing color.

family life made easy

Seafood is of course the food of choice for those who rely on the sea to eat the sea, but they should not be eaten in excess. To prevent accidents, digestive medicine and anti-inflammatory drugs are needed.It is best not to eat the food on the stalls without the guidance of local friends.

(End of this chapter)

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