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Chapter 89 Partial Eating Vegetarian Oil Is Not Good

Chapter 89 Partial Eating Vegetarian Oil Is Not Good

Cooking is inseparable from oil, and most people think that eating vegetable oil is better than eating meat oil.However, vegetable oil and lard oil have their own advantages, so we should not be partial to each other.

The vast majority of various vegetable oils are unsaturated fatty acids. If the human body lacks them, it will become shriveled, dark and thin, and the skin and mucous membranes will lose their normal functions.And this unsaturated fatty acid cannot be synthesized by the human body itself, and can only be ingested from food, and its source is vegetable oil.

After unsaturated fatty acids are absorbed by the body, they have a very important function, which is to stimulate the liver to produce more high-density lipoproteins.This lipoprotein is like a blood vessel "cleaner", constantly "accommodating" the excess cholesterol stranded on the blood vessel wall, and then "escorting" it out of the country to prevent it from causing arteriosclerosis in the blood vessel.

Meat oil (mainly lard) contains saturated fatty acids. Although it cannot play the role of unsaturated fatty acids in vegetable oil, the fat in lard is easily hydrolyzed by human enzymes and turned into triacylglycerol and other substances , is an important source of human energy.It is more than twice as much energy as eating the same protein, starch, and alcohol, and it is also an essential substance for the metabolism of various tissue cells in the human body.Therefore, in addition to patients with coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension, lard is also a good nutrient.

Many scholars at home and abroad have done a lot of research on the harm of partial eclipse of meat oil or vegetable oil.It is generally believed that a partial diet of meat and oil is prone to diseases such as arteriosclerosis and coronary heart disease.According to American biochemist Kenneth?Dr. Carlos believes that although unsaturated fatty acids in vegetable oil are not carcinogens, they can promote the growth of cancer cells.The results of animal experiments showed that the group with a partial diet of unsaturated fatty acids had a much higher rate of colon cancer and breast cancer than the group that ate both meat and vegetable oils.Therefore, people who want to be healthy should eat a variety of oils.

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Consuming corn germ oil is good for cardiovascular and can regulate human immune function, so in order to stay away from cardiovascular disease, you can choose to eat corn germ oil.

(End of this chapter)

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