Family Life Knows Everything.

Chapter 90 Drink before eating hot pot

Chapter 90 Drink before eating hot pot
People like to eat hot pot in winter, but experts remind that improper consumption of hot pot can cause sore throat, oral ulcers, abdominal distension, diarrhea, gastrointestinal bleeding and other diseases.In order to maintain your health, you should pay attention to the following points when eating hot pot: first, do not eat it hot, which is easy to burn the mucous membranes of the mouth, tongue, esophagus and stomach; In this way, it is easy to give bacteria and parasite eggs hidden in the food a chance to escape from death; third, the seasoning should not be too thick, and the spicy seasoning can easily cause gastrointestinal discomfort, rapid heartbeat, and elevated blood pressure.

The combination of meat and vegetables in hot pot must be proper, and the order of hot pot is also very particular. It is best to drink half a cup of fresh beverage before eating, then eat vegetables, and then eat meat.In this way, the nutrition of the food can be rationally used, the burden on the gastrointestinal tract can be reduced, and the goal of a healthy diet can be achieved.

The following beverages are all you can choose when eating hot pot:
1. Juice drinks
Rich in organic acids, it can stimulate gastrointestinal secretion, help digestion, and make the upper part of the small intestine acidic, which helps the absorption of calcium and phosphorus.However, people who control their weight, the elderly, and those with high blood sugar should pay attention to choosing low-sugar drinks.

2. Carbonated drinks
Although they contain very little other nutrients except sugar, the carbon dioxide in them can help digestion and promote the excretion of heat from the body, resulting in a cool and refreshing feeling, and the effect of replenishing water is better.

3. Vegetable Juice, Dairy and Vegetable Protein Drinks
Such as yogurt, almond milk, coconut milk, herbal tea, etc., suitable for people with chronic diseases and the elderly to drink.

In addition, when eating hot pot, it is best to drink some white wine or wine, which can have the effect of sterilizing and removing mutton.

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Do not put the leftover vegetables and soup in the hot pot overnight, because the overnight vegetables and soup contain too much copper oxide, which can easily cause poisoning after eating. damage.

(End of this chapter)

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