Chapter 23 Want to know my name?

Punching is the tenth level skill of boxing masters. When one punch is swung, it can burst out huge energy in an instant, and has a short-term stiffening effect.

A kitchen knife blasted out with one punch, knocking back the spider lord's huge body several meters away.

At this moment, Fei shouted again: "Elbow strike!"

Elbow Strike, the tenth-level skill of the Judo Master, attacks the enemy with the elbow, and also has a short-term stiff effect.

A kitchen knife rushed up immediately.

At this time, Duan Fei also replaced the keel spear in his hand with a revolver.

Calculating the time in his mind, he raised the pistol with his left hand.


Amidst a crisp gunshot, a slow bullet drifted towards the spider lord.

The shooting speed of the stiff shell is very slow, and it is easy to be dodged by the opponent when used in the enemy.

But the spider lord was in a frozen state at this time, unable to dodge at all.

That's it, under Duan Fei's command, the four of them took turns to use the stiffness skills of each profession to control the spider lord tightly.

This effect can be achieved because no one has changed jobs yet, and everyone has learned the skills of at least four jobs.

Low-level skills, mostly control-type skills, are naturally easy to control the boss.

The only thing to pay attention to is the calculation of the freezing time and cleaning up the little spiders that appear around the spider lord.

The skills and stiffness effects of each profession are different. If the time is not calculated properly, the spider lord can easily get out of control.

However, before the game server was launched, Duan Fei had counted the skill data of each profession, and he still has a good understanding of this aspect.

So there was no situation where the spider lord was out of control.

Although the spider lord was under control, four little spiders would appear every once in a while around the spider lord.

These spiderlings do not harm the player, but their attacks will freeze the player for a few seconds.

Once in a frozen state, it is natural to be unable to act or release skills.

Then the rhythm that controls the spider lord will be disrupted.

However, these little spiders had very low HP, almost dying when they touched them. Duan Fei also put on a revolver early on, in order to deal with the little spiders spawned by the spider lord.

As soon as Duan Fei saw the little spiders appearing, he would quickly shoot and clean them up, so as not to let these little spiders attack Bai Yexing and others.

Seeing Duan Fei and the others kill the spider lord in an orderly manner, Suokesar, who retreated to the side, stared straight.

He thought that after he suddenly retreated from the battle circle, Duan Fei and the others would be killed by the spider lord!
I didn't expect these people to know how to use skills!

There are a total of 24 professions in Glory, and being able to know the skills of all 24 professions like the palm of your hand is definitely not something that ordinary people can do.

Because most people don't do that at all.

Most people don't even know the skills they use.

Looking at Duan Fei who was attacking and shouting passwords, Suokesar's eyes showed admiration.

With a jump, Soksar came to Duan Fei's side and asked, "Who is the little brother?"

Duan Fei directed Liang Caidong to attack, and then asked, "Are you talking to me?"

Soksar rolled his eyes: "Nonsense, do I talk to ghosts, old man?"

But Duan Fei said: "You have mistaken the person, I am not your brother."


Soksar was choked heavily.

"Fuck! Can we stop playing word games?"

Duan Fei nodded and said, "Okay, who are you?"

"I am Jiangzhou..."

Soksar blurted out, but as soon as he finished speaking, he realized that something seemed wrong.

'Depend on!Wasn't he the one I asked first?How did he end up asking me? '

Soksar felt that he had been tricked.

Duan Fei nodded, and shouted: "Xiaoyeye connect!", and then asked: "Hmm! What's your name?"

Soksar has realized that he has been tricked by Duan Fei, so how can he answer Duan Fei's question.

So Soksar asked back: "The old man has already told you who you are, so it should be your turn to tell the old man who you are?"

"I'm from Wuyang City." Duan Fei said without hesitation.

Soksar nodded: "Wuyang City, that's still quite a distance."

It takes about six hours to take the high-speed train from Jiangzhou City to Wuyang City.

"It's quite far away, so can you tell me your name?" Duan Fei asked again.

Suokesar suddenly smiled, and said, "Hey hey! Do you really want to know the name of this old man?"

Duan Fei said decisively: "I don't want to."

"Actually, you can think about it!" Soksar said.

Duan Fei said, "I don't think too much about it."

Soksar said: "The old man can tell you!"

Duan Fei said, "I'm listening."

"Well, let's compete to see who can finish the final blow to the spider lord. If you win, I will tell you my name. If I win, tell me your name."

Duan Fei was silent for a second: "Yes."

At this time, Bai Yexing called out: "Hey, hey! Did you overlook something?"

Soksar was slightly taken aback, and asked, "What did you ignore?"

Bai Yexing stared and said, "Did you take the three of us out of the air?"

A kitchen knife was also dissatisfied: "Exactly! I admit that although you two are skilled, we are not rookies!"

Liang Caidong also joined in the fun: "There is also Uncle Ben, who cannot be ignored!"

"You said it, but the old man didn't say it."

Soksar curled his lips, and smiled nonchalantly: "But you can also try, if you little ones can grab the last blow, you will win, and the bet will also take effect."

Baiye Xingqi snorted, "Don't underestimate people!"

A kitchen knife: "Brother Ye Xing, we have to show some real skills today!"

Liang Caidong: "And I..."

A kitchen knife: "Uncle, you are responsible for keeping an eye on everyone's health!"

Liang Caidong: "..."

As a result, the five of them desperately aimed at the spider lord, and the spider lord's health dropped wildly.

Just when the spider lord's health dropped to 10%, Duan Fei hurriedly reminded: "It's about to turn red, everyone back off!"

The boss's red blood will go berserk, and will be immune to control when he goes berserk.

Hearing Duan Fei's reminder, Bai Yexing, a kitchen knife, and Liang Caidong retreated far away.

But Duan Fei and Soksar didn't move at all, and continued to attack the spider lord.

"Pfft! Pfft!"

The spider lord squirted venom crazily, dyeing the surroundings a dark green!

Then, the spider lord's venom did not spray to the place and Soxar.

Because Duan Fei and Soksar are standing on top of the spider lord!

To be precise, the two of them jumped high into the air at the moment the spider lord sprayed out the venom.

Therefore, the venom sprayed by the spider lord didn't reach them at all.

 Meow meow, no one voted, stand-alone, poorly written, no passion.

(End of this chapter)

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