Chapter 24 You are too cunning!
Both Duan Fei and Suokesar jumped high into the air, avoiding the spider lord's big move after berserk.

It's just that Duan Fei didn't have the ability to double jump in the air, so he quickly fell from the sky.

But the spider lord's ultimate skill is still going on, and large pieces of venom are still spraying!

Seeing that Duan Fei was about to fall into the venom sprayed by the spider lord, Hyakuyako and a kitchen knife who were watching the battle immediately exclaimed.

"Uncle Miki, prepare to add blood!"

Liang Caidong's game name is: Uncle Sanmu, and Uncle Sanmu is naturally calling Liang Caidong.

But Liang Caidong didn't move, instead he smiled: "Don't worry, it's normal operation."

Obviously, he is very confident in Duan Fei's skills.

As soon as Liang Caidong finished speaking, Duan Fei's body just landed on the ground.

I saw that the moment Duan Fei landed on the ground, a long samurai sword was placed in front of him in an instant!

This move is impressively a swordsman's level five skill - block!
Seeing this scene, Bai Yexing stared straight.

Isn't Duan Fei's weapon a revolver?When did he swap his revolver for a katana?Could it be when he jumped into the air?
But the airborne time of ordinary jumps is almost less than a second. How can such a short time be able to complete the weapon switch?What kind of hand speed is this!
You know, to switch weapons in the game, you must first open the game backpack, then find the weapon in the backpack, and then double-click the mouse to switch weapons.

Most people need a second or two just to open a backpack, let alone find the weapon they need to switch, and then double-click the mouse.

Subconsciously, Bai Yexing quickly moved the mouse, clicked on the backpack, and then saw four or five pieces of equipment in the backpack, and his head short-circuited instantly.

Because he suddenly didn't know which piece of equipment he wanted to switch!
But he estimates that even if he doesn't have to think about which piece of equipment to switch, he can directly switch quickly by double-clicking, and it will probably take more than 1.5 seconds.

This is just switching weapons, and it took so long, not to mention the need to activate the blocking skill in time after switching weapons.

That is to say, the hand speed displayed by Duan Fei is too fast!
Bai Yexing estimated that Duan Fei's hand speed was at least twice as fast as his!
What kind of terrifying speed is this.

"Puff puff!"

During this thought, the spider lord had sprayed out three mouthfuls of venom, and the dark green venom was sprayed on Duan Fei's body through the katana, dyeing Duan Fei's whole body green.

Blocking can reduce a lot of damage, but even after using the block, the spider lord's three venom attacks caused Duan Fei's health to drop wildly, bottoming out in an instant.

Fortunately, the spider lord's ultimate move was just at the final stage, otherwise, even if Duan Fei used the blocking skill, he might not be able to withstand it.

After the ultimate move is released, the spider lord will return to normal state!
At this time, Duan Fei moved!
Without waiting for any reaction from the spider lord, Duan Fei raised his samurai sword high, and then swung it violently!

A faint red knife light with unrivaled power of ghosts and gods, slashed across the huge body of the spider lord.

With a move of Ghost Slash, it only shocked the huge spider lord back a small step, but at this moment, a large amount of sword light followed, and it was Duan Fei who activated the Demon Swordsman's Earth Fissure Wave Sword.

Countless great swords slashed at the spider lord, causing multiple damages to it.

Under Duan Fei's continuous blows, the spider lord who didn't have much blood, his life value dropped wildly.

"Damn! What a cunning boy, actually wants to sneak attack! It's not that easy!"

Soksar, who used a double jump, just fell from the sky at this time.

After Soksar fell from the sky, he did not rush to attack, but stood about one meter away from the spider lord, motionless.

He didn't move, but in the palm of his right hand, a dark ball of light appeared faintly!
"Brothers! Come on!"

The three of Baiyexing also came to their senses at this time, and with a loud roar, they took the lead and rushed up.

Bai Yexing, a kitchen knife, and Liang Caidong also joined the attacking spider lord's camp, attacking the bloodless spider lord frantically.

The spider lord's health continued to decrease, and soon there was only a trace of blood left.

At this moment, Soksar moved.

With a light wave of his right hand, a ball of chaotic light that had been charged for more than three seconds flew out of his hand.

After the ball of light left Soksar's palm, it instantly split into small dark arrows and shot towards the spider lord at high speed.

Counting it carefully, there are as many as 18 small arrows in this group!
This is the Warlock's tenth level skill, Cursed Arrow.

It takes a long time to accumulate power to activate this skill to accumulate the chaotic light ball, and when the chaotic light ball is launched, it can be split into thirteen cursed arrows.

However, if the charging time is longer, the more small arrows will be split when launching. When the charging time is more than 6 seconds, it reaches full value, and up to 26 cursed arrows can be fired at the same time.

The 18 cursed arrows shot towards the spider lord like a rain of arrows.

Ding ding ding...!
A large area of ​​damage instantly floated above the spider lord's head.

However, these injuries are not high.

Although the number of arrows fired by the Cursed Arrows is large, the combined damage of the 18 Cursed Arrows is roughly equivalent to the damage of Soksar's six normal attacks!

One skill is equivalent to launching six attacks, and it is terrifying enough to kill the boss!

However, the spider lord did not die after being attacked by Soksar's cursed arrow.

The spider lord, who was only left with a layer of blood skin, hadn't emptied the life blood tank, and there was still a trace of residual blood, still standing there firmly.

However, at this moment, there was a bang, and the last trace of the spider lord's blood was finally emptied, and his tall body collapsed.

Everyone can see clearly.

This explosion came from a small robot!
It was this robot who delivered the final blow to the spider lord.

Who launched the robot?
In the team, except for Duan Fei, no one has learned mechanical tracking at all.

Therefore, it is needless to say who made the last blow.

Soksar was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Good boy, when did you release the robot?"

Bai Yexing and a kitchen knife also looked at Duan Fei together, waiting for Duan Fei's answer.

They also wanted to know when Duan Fei released the robot.

Duan Fei smiled, and was about to answer, but found that Suokesar, who was still asking himself a question just now, suddenly became unreal.

"not good!"

Duan Fei was startled suddenly. Sure enough, beside the spider lord's body, there was also Soksar!
"Damn! You are too cunning, you actually used the avatar technique to grab the boss!"

Seeing the phantom of Soksar gradually disappearing beside him, Duan Fei laughed helplessly.

When Soksar was talking to him, he actually used the ninja's tenth-level skill - phantom clone technique!

At the moment he spoke, his real body had already arrived beside the spider lord's corpse!

So obscene!

 Wretchedness is my nature, cunning is my talent—I am a godlike boy...

(End of this chapter)

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