Chapter 375 Use!Free labor! (Fourth update, please subscribe for the full text)
Hearing Yedu Hantan's inquiry, Lan He of Lanxi Pavilion responded: "Same, we are four too."

"There are three of us." Said the plantain seed of Zhongcaotang.

"The two of us." The solitary drink of reincarnation is also there.



Each of the other guilds had two undercover agents.

A total of 25 forty-level undercover agents from the top ten trade unions went in.

But now there are less than forty characters above level 40 in Happy's guild.

"Welcome to the [-]th-level master who has just joined the club! Everyone welcomes with flowers!"

After Steamed Bun Invasion approved these people, Duan Fei immediately sent a message on the guild channel to welcome them.

Behind Duan Fei, hundreds of people quickly followed and held up flowers to welcome him.

"You are welcome, you are new here, please take care of me!"

The more than 20 newcomers also responded politely one by one.

"Now that you've joined the union, hurry up and do the union building tasks. You must complete the guild tasks every day, otherwise you will be kicked out of the guild by the administrator!"

Just after these people replied modestly, Duan Fei spoke again.

Seeing Duan Fei's message, the 25 level [-] players who just came in immediately felt ashamed.

Although their accounts are wild accounts, the people who control the wild accounts are all core members of various trade unions. They came to Xingxin guild just to be undercover agents. Unexpectedly, Duan Fei directly regarded them as construction tools!
Wouldn't it be a big loss if they had to come to Xingxin Guild to do construction tasks for them every day.

And they don't have that skill either!
But there is no way, most trade unions have this requirement, if the activity is not up to standard, they will be invited out of the trade union.

25 people, pulled face slowly to run the construction task.

As a result, within an hour, Duan Fei looked at the guild's contribution value, with a cold smile on his face.

really!A group of sneaky spies!It's been an hour, and only one or two tasks have been done, and most of the people's contribution points have not exceeded one hundred.

So Duan Fei urged again: "Hey! New brothers, hurry up! We are waiting for you to lead people to the dungeon! You finish the task and lead the team quickly! In our guild, we are level 30 The masters above have to bring newcomers over level [-] to the dungeon. Wait for each of you masters of level [-] to bring a team to the dungeon to ensure that everyone's level is raised. As long as you make contributions, you can have a chance Obtain the administrator qualification, and the salary can be paid at the end of each month!"



Seeing Duan Fei's plausible news, the [-]th-level undercover agents from the top ten trade unions suddenly looked as embarrassed as blood ducks!
Say ah!

This guy really treats them as free labor?

As soon as you enter the meeting, you will direct and direct!

After all, they are all masters of level [-]. Which trade union do they go to, and their president can't be treated like a grandfather?

It's good for you Happy Guild, you directly treat other masters as tools!

What should they do?
They came here as undercover agents, not to work for Xingxin Guild for free.

"They should have noticed."

In the Koukou group formed by the top ten trade unions, someone spoke up.

"It should be, we have entered so many level [-] players at once, it is easy to be suspected."

"Then what should we do? If this continues, we really help him build a trade union?"

"Fuck him, they have a good idea! Build a guild for them, so why are we still here? Are your heads rusty?"

"Since they have discovered it, our undercover work is meaningless."

A group of people immediately discussed.

"How about we withdraw half of the people and make him think that the undercover account has been withdrawn?"

"I think it works!"

"Then who will retreat? Who will defend?"

"Refund half of each guild!"

"I retreat!"

"I will retreat too!"

Soon, 25 came in, [-] were returned, and there were [-] left!

Among them, Blue River is naturally listed.

The 12 people had no choice but to cheer up and finish the union task in half an hour.

Then wait for Duan Fei to tell them to take the newcomers to the dungeon.

As a result, I didn't wait for the next dungeon, but I got a PK invitation!
After Su Muqiu and Tang Rou's sub-guild finished killing the guild boss, Duan Fei sent a private message to the twelve [-]-level undercover agents, asking them to come to the arena for a PK assessment.Only those who pass the assessment and have excellent skills can stay in the trade union and give it to the administrator.

The 12 people were puzzled and didn't know what kind of medicine Duan Fei and the others were selling in their beards, so they could only come to the arena.

Then, according to the room number provided by Duan Fei, a PK contest will be carried out.

Their PK opponents are Tang Rou, Su Muqiu, Baozi Invasion, Ye Xiu, Duan Fei, and Su Mucheng.

"You provoke them with trash talk and see how their skills are. If their skills are top-notch in online games, it goes without saying that they must be undercover agents. Just expose them!" Duan Fei said to Baozi Invasion and the others.

Baozi Invasion and the others nodded with a smirk on their faces.

Catching secret agents and undercover agents is quite exciting and fun.

Soon, the twelve undercover agents were divided into two groups. First, the six people in the first group accepted Duan Fei's one-on-one challenge.

"Hey! You are too slow! With your skills, our trade union will grab a lot of them!"

"Do you have any ability? Don't pretend to be a master if you don't have the ability."

"Do you want to become an administrator like me? If you want to, just beat me! As long as you beat me, you will be an elite member of our Xingxin union!"


Stimulated by the words of Duan Fei and others, these six people all showed their strongest performances to prove that they are a master and not be underestimated.

However, no matter how they played, even if they used [-]% of their strength, they were absolutely no match for Duan Fei and the others. Even Baozi Invasion and Tang Rou were far above them.

Ever since, the first group of six fell under the weapons of Duan Fei's six.

"It's too bad, you hung up after only 2 minutes, you can be an ordinary member from now on!"

While Baozi Invasion was talking, he sent a message to Duan Fei: "Brother Duan, this guy is amazing. If it wasn't for my superb skills, I might be killed by him."

Su Muqiu beat an undercover agent to the ground, and said disdainfully: "Your skills are not good! If you want to promote you, you can't be promoted."

Turning to Duan Fei, he said, "Brother Duan, this guy is very strong, he is definitely a top player in online games!"

Su Mucheng's side is the same: "The person here is the same, the operation reaction is fast, and the consciousness is very strong! This skill has almost reached the bottom of the professional level."

After Ye Xiu and Tang Rou hacked their opponent to death, they reported to Duan Fei one after another.

Duan Fei laughed: "Okay! The next group of people will start testing."

Soon, the second batch of tests began.

After the first batch of six people were dismissed, they were still kept in the dark. They really thought that because of their good skills, they would be selected, but they didn't know that their skills exposed themselves.

 Meow Meow Meow, new books and old books, update thirteen thousand a day together. . .so tired! ! !It feels like my head is exploding...! !

  Pineapple office workers work in two shifts, so the update is really unbearable. . .Everyone give a little effort, let the pineapple continue to explode for a few more days. .

(End of this chapter)

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