The strongest casual player in the whole server

Chapter 376 Are you from Lanxi Pavilion?

Chapter 376 Are you from Lanxi Pavilion? (Fifth update! Please order in full)

They competed with Duan Fei and others, just like Tang Rou and Duan Fei's competition at the beginning, they couldn't see how big the gap between the two sides was, and they thought they were just ahead of the grandson, so they asked the second batch of people who went up to PK to fight fiercely. beat.

So as soon as the second batch of undercover agents came up, they went all out.

The second batch of people who fought Duan Fei was a man named Jue Se, who was a swordsman by profession.

This person is one of the twelve undercover agents - Blue River.

Received Duan Fei's invitation to battle, Lan He also looked helpless.

The opponent is a veteran master, the strongest in the first generation of Glory, and he still counts for a few catties.

If he was allowed to fight Baozi Invasion, he still believed that he could survive a few tricks.

Going to fight with Duan Fei is purely for embarrassment.

But there was no other way, being named by Duan Fei, he could only bite the bullet and rush forward.

Coming to the arena, it is the most common map—the arena. This kind of map does not have any terrain that can be used, and it can only be played with pure skills.

This kind of map is the most direct and simple, and it is the most popular among novice players in the Glory game.

When the battle started, the two sides charged directly.

With a flash of sword light, Lan He made the first move.

He used the lowest level of skill of a swordsman - drawing a knife and slashing.

Duan Fei smiled slightly when he saw this, and when the sword light flashed in front of him, he had already retreated, turned sideways, and dodged Lan He's sword force very forcefully.

"So fast!"

Seeing Duan Fei's actions, Lan He was startled.

He drew his sword and slashed quickly enough, but Duan Fei didn't expect Duan Fei to react faster, as if he knew what skill he was going to use in advance, and made a prediction in advance!

It is worthy of being the first supreme! (How about this name!!!? Domineering or not domineering!?)

Really powerful!

Lan He admired in his heart, but the movement of his hand didn't stop at all, he stabbed obliquely with the sword in his backhand, it was a series of thrusts!



I saw a burst of flames bursting out, and there was a crisp sound.

The long sword in Lan He's hand seemed to be piercing the steel plate!
Looking up, he suddenly found that his sword had pierced the back of Fang's sword!

When Lan He launched a series of thrusts, Duan Fei raised his sword and directly blocked Lan He's killing blow!
Lan He was taken aback for a moment, already terrified in his heart.

This can also be blocked! ! ?
Although Lan He is an online game master, he is known as one of the top five masters in Lanxi Pavilion, but he is only a bit famous in online games, how can he compete with professional players?
Not to mention Duan Fei, a first-generation supreme professional player!
Blue River's best trick is to start the game with three tricks!
But these three axes have gone to two axes, all of which were easily broken by Duan Fei!
The difference is too big!
However, just when Lan He was slightly dazed, Duan Fei chuckled: "Not bad! These two attacks are very fast, there are two hits, but they still have a long way to go to defeat me."

While speaking, a sword light had already bloomed in front of Lan He's eyes!

It was also a slashing move, but Lan He only had time to look at it, but he didn't have time to react.

When the sword arrives, the person flies.

Lan He's body was lifted into the air!

And then...then he flew in the air...and never came down...

When he got down, he couldn't stand up anymore.

51 seconds.

Blue River was defeated.

The first game ended like this. In less than a minute, Duan Fei's Jun Mo cried without losing a drop of blood.

The gap between online game masters and professional masters is so obvious!

Lan He's eyes were a little dull.

Although he knew that the opponent was a top master, he always thought that he could more or less draw a sword or two on the opponent.

As a result, there were two swords in total.

I haven't had the chance to use the most important of my three axes yet.

Lan He sighed, after all he overestimated himself and underestimated the Great God.

When Lan He was in a daze, Duan Fei asked Ye Qiu who was next to him: "Is this person that Lan He?"

"It looks a bit like it. You fight him again and let him order." Ye Xiu, who had been watching the battle all along, nodded and said.

"Okay! For your sake, let's play with him." Duan Fei smiled slightly, and said to Lan He: "One more game, this time I'll let you do three tricks."

"it is good!"

Just as he was depressed that he hadn't used his best three-axe yet, Duan Fei said to do it again, and Lan He naturally wished for it.

Although it is not enough for Duan Fei, it is also necessary to show one's own strength in front of the Great God.

Thus, the second PK match between Lan He and Duan Fei began.

Duan Fei said that he did it, and asked Lan He to use three moves, so he would not attack until Lan He used the three moves.

Lan He's three-axe still followed the same routine and he drew his sword to slash, Duan Fei dodged, and then Lan He stabbed repeatedly, Duan Fei blocked again.

Exactly the same routine, in exchange for exactly the same result.

It was as if this scene was a replay of the video recorded last time.

While lamenting Duan Fei's sophistication, Lan He used his trick to get out!

The sure-kill blow of the three axes.

Three cuts! !

Lan He's three-stage slash was not a straight-line slash, nor was it a back and forth slash, but a triangular slash!

Three cuts, a total of three cuts, the first cut to the left, the second to the right, and the third to kill back!
The whole route forms a triangle shape!
This is Blue River's ultimate skill!
Ordinary people can dodge his sword-drawn slash, but they will definitely not be able to dodge his second long-axe thrust. Like Duan Fei who dodged his two moves in a row, they will definitely not be able to dodge the third three-stage slash.

Because this skill was used by Blue River as a group skill!
The triangular attack doubled the attack area of ​​the three-stage slash several times!
However, when Lan He performed the three-stage slash, he only heard "Ding Ding Ding!", and the sound of three metal knocks rang in his ears.

Duan Fei knocked his three-stage chop off unexpectedly!
How can it be!

Blue River was completely stunned.

He didn't know how Duan Fei blocked his attack.

But he knew that his three-stage slash attack did not cause any damage to Zhongli.

"The three moves have been given up! Do you have any other moves, you might as well use them all." Duan Fei's voice sounded at this moment.

Blue River smiled wryly.

He has a unique move, but it is a unique move that only a full-level account has.

Now this trumpet is only level [-], and only these three axes can be used.

Seeing that Lan He didn't speak, Duan Fei didn't continue to attack, but suddenly asked: "How many years have you been playing Glory?"

Lan He froze for a moment, then replied, "It's been several years."

"Well, it doesn't look like a newcomer." Duan Fei suddenly asked, "Which guild are you from?"


The defenseless Lan He almost blurted out the words "Lanxi Pavilion".

Lan He bit his tongue, swallowed back the word "Xi Pavilion" in Lanxi Pavilion, and said, "We, we belong to the guild!"

But Duan Fei chuckled and said, "You should be from Lanxi Pavilion, right?"


Blue River was stunned.

 Meow meow meow.Let it go early today.

  There are still two shifts in the morning, to give some benefits to brothers and sisters who stay up late.

  Pineapple, who works the night shift, knows that staying up late is hard work.

  Today is the third day of Pineapple Riwan!

  Pineapple has insisted on updating more than [-] words daily for three days, please support! ! ! !

  I am proud, I am proud.

  Don't ask me who Wan is and why I call him, because I want to give rewards, recommendations, monthly tickets, and five-star reviews, so I must call him!
(End of this chapter)

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