Chapter 377 We Are Friends! (Blue River Chapter)


Blue River was dumbfounded.

Depend on!
How did you know that he belonged to Lanxi Pavilion?

Did Duan Fei already guess it?
It doesn't make sense!

A few thoughts flashed across Lan He's mind, and finally he gritted his teeth. Since it had been exposed, he didn't bother to cover it up, so he simply confessed directly: "Yes, from the Lanxi Pavilion."

"You should be Lan He from Lanxi Pavilion, right?" Duan Fei asked with a smile.

"No way? You can see that too??"

Blue River was a little shocked.

He didn't reveal anything!How did Duan Fei see it?

Moreover, he didn't deal with Duan Fei much at ordinary times!
The person he usually comes into contact with is God Ye Qiu.

Little did they know, Ye Xiu was right next to Duan Fei, and it was Ye Xiu who recognized him.

Now that Lan He has admitted that he is Lan He, there is no need for Duan Fei to try again. Instead, he asked, "What are you doing? The 25 level [-] players who came in are all members of your three major guilds." People? Also, you are a dignified president, and you came here to be an undercover agent, isn't it too ramen?"

"I can't help it! Who told your Xingxin guild to develop so fast, the top ten unions came together to punish you. It's just that." Lan He sighed, and continued: "Hey! The undercover failed, and you found out as soon as you came in gone."

Duan Fei smiled, and said: "Since we know that we have already been exposed, why do we keep half of them? Do you want to hide the situation?"

"That's right." Lan He said helplessly, spreading his hands.

"Then why don't you withdraw?" Duan Fei asked.

"Let's find something to do when I'm bored!" Lan He said.

"Really? Since you are bored, then you can do something for me!" Duan Fei said.

Lan He froze for a moment, then asked, "What's the matter?"

"Help me take care of Xingxin Guild." Duan Fei said straight to the point.

Help you take care of Xingxin guild?

Blue River was stunned for a moment.

Please, he is the president of Lanxi Pavilion, he came here to serve as an undercover agent for you, he is an enemy!
Now that he has been captured by you, it's fine if you don't abuse the prisoner, but you actually asked him to help you take care of Xingxin guild?

What logic is this?
We are hostile!

"How are you thinking?" Seeing that Lan He didn't speak, Duan Fei asked again.

"..." Blue River was speechless.

How did he know that he was considering whether to agree?

What a hell!
Duan Fei seemed to see through everything he did today.

"Why do you want me to help you manage the guild?" After a while, Lan He asked such a question.

"Because you have experience!" Duan Fei said honestly.

This sentence is very useful to Blue River, among other things, managing trade unions is his specialty.


Before Lan He could say anything, Duan Fei had already started to analyze the situation for Lan He.

"Our Xingxin guild has just been established, and the people who join the guild are all newcomers. Most of them don't even understand some basic things. Ask. It is very necessary for an experienced and patient veteran like you to help them answer difficult questions."

"But, I'm an undercover agent! We are enemies, not friends." Lan He couldn't help mentioning the key word "undercover".

If they are friends, it's okay to help, but they are enemies now, how can an enemy help an enemy?
"But we have always regarded you as a friend." Duan Fei said very sincerely.

Have you always regarded me as a friend?
Seeing Duan Fei's reply, Lan He was stunned.

My heart was inexplicably moved.

It turned out that the Great God had always regarded him as a friend.

Even if he is an undercover agent, he is still a friend.

"How? Think about it?" Seeing that Lan He was silent again, Duan Fei said again.

"But I'm still the president of Lanxi Pavilion! How can I have time to take care of the guild for you?" Sighing, Lanhe talked about the key issue.

Dual-purpose, managing two guilds, he doesn't think I have that exuberant energy.

"Actually, you don't need to do too many things. When you are bored, you can help answer the questions of those novices in the guild online. Look at the guild channel. Some noobs are really so stupid. How speechless!" Duan Fei said helplessly.

Most of the people who applied to join the Xingxin guild were newcomers. Apart from Sleeping Moon and others, Glory Old Man rarely quit their membership and came to their Xingxin guild. The people who came were all admiring the Great God, and felt that following the Great God would be a shame. Meng new.

"It's really noob."

Lan He just glanced at Xingxin's guild channel, and saw Xiaobai's comments all over the screen.Some questions are asked as idiots as people who entered the game on the first day.

Teaching such a Xiaobai requires enough patience and a lot of time to lead Xiaobai into a "self-reliant" old bird.

Although Duan Fei and Ye Xiu have a lot of time, their main business is to form a professional team, and they don't have time to spend on a group of online game novices.

Seeing this group of noobs' remarks, Lan He couldn't stand it any longer.

If it wasn't for the fact that there were other undercover agents in the guild, he wouldn't have hit the keyboard right away to correct these little whites' mistakes.

"Then it's settled!" Duan Fei said at this time.

"Hey, hey, hey! I haven't promised to help you take care of the guild, have I?" Blue River said "Damn" in his heart, and quickly replied.

"We are friends, you can't let Lord Grim and I teach these noobs, can you?" Duan Fei said.

Let Duan Fei and Ye Qiu, the two honored supreme gods, teach a group of online game novices, that is really even Blue River can't stand it.

However, he was still in Lanxi Pavilion, and came to help Duan Fei again, which was equivalent to stepping on two boats, and Lan He felt a little uncomfortable.

"But..." Lanhe just started to say something, Duan Fei suddenly asked: "How much salary does Lanxi Pavilion give you a month?"

"This..." Regarding the matter of salary, Lan He really didn't know what to say.

He is one of the five masters of Lanxi Pavilion, a core member of the Lanxi Pavilion trade union, and the president of the tenth association. In online games, he is definitely a white-collar figure.

If the performance bonus is counted, there is still a small amount of [-] yuan a month.

However, how can a man's salary be said casually?
Seeing that Lan He didn't speak, Duan Fei already said: "No matter how much Lanxi Pavilion pays you, we can't pay you now anyway, so you can work here outside first, and when you have more money, this I'll give you back the money, how about it?"


Seeing Duan Fei's message, Lan He almost vomited blood.

Halo, I don’t plan to pay wages, so what kind of wages are you asking?

Wouldn't it be enough to just find a volunteer?

Of course, Duan Fei asked him to help, even if he didn't pay him, just based on the words "we are friends", he, Lan He, would definitely help Duan Fei with this favor.

It is his great honor to be able to make friends with two supreme gods!

Of course, if you can have money, that would be even better.

After all, he is also a family man, and if he wants to support his family, he will not feel that he does not make enough money.

 Meow meow meow.Ask for support pineapple
(End of this chapter)

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