Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 113 Too Many Secrets

Chapter 113 Too Many Secrets
Gu Qingye started to worry, "Mom, what if he happens to meet Gu Yumet?"

Seeing that she was finally anxious, Zhang Lanjing laughed.

"Now that I know I'm in a hurry, do I still want to be a famous perfumer?"

Gu Qingye put the water glass on the table, her face was full of worry, she really couldn't let her know about some things, otherwise all the secrets wouldn't be hidden.

"Mom, I know I'm wrong, but I've done it all, so let me enjoy it for a few more days."

It feels really good to be a celebrity, being sought after by so many people, she enjoys this kind of time very much.

"However, Mom, he is like that, how can he run away, are those bodyguards pigs?"

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. Could it be that she was a waste for raising that group of people?

Zhang Lanjing sat beside her with an elegant posture and a very kind face. She is a woman who is very good at disguising.Give others a very friendly feeling, elegant and dignified.

Such a woman is the most terrifying and vicious.

"Li Bing has been with Gu Zetian for many years and is his most capable subordinate. We cannot underestimate his ability."

Gu Qingye also understood what she meant, for a man as powerful as Gu Zetian, would his capable subordinates be weak?But this is a bit too strong, with hands and feet like that, he can still escape.

"Mom, don't worry too much. He might be dead. Anyone who sees him will be afraid of him. It's a miracle that he survived all these years."

Whenever Gu Qingye thinks of that Uncle Li, she gets goosebumps all over her body.

"Xiaoye, let's go to Yuchao right now, confess our mistake to her, and return YJ's identity to her."

Zhang Lanjing doesn't want to have a falling out with Gu Encounter for the time being, at least she must not let her know about some things.Otherwise, what would that girl do?She dare not think.

"No, I'm not going."

Gu Qingye fell into the sofa again, she didn't want to return it for the time being, she wanted to be a YJ, she had paid a high price to find a lot of excellent perfumers to help her behind, she just needed to bear this reputation.

Seeing her mother's worried look, she crawled to her side.

"Mom, you really don't have to worry. I promise I'll be fine this time. She can't talk about me with a hundred mouths."

Thinking of Gu Yuyu's appearance when she found out about this incident, she was very happy.

Surprise, not unexpected?
Zhang Lanjing raised her hand and patted her daughter's hand, "Okay, Mom can ignore it."


He Nanjie was busy sitting in the office, Ji Lingfeng walked in and sat down on the chair opposite him.


There was an extra box on his pile of documents. On the red box were dark red rose petals, and his brows were slightly furrowed.


Ji Lingfeng smiled badly, and raised his hand to straighten his hair.

She gave him a wink, "Isn't your woman a fan of YJ's perfume? It just came into the world, and it's still hot. I'll give it to you."

He Nanjie glanced at it and understood it. He put the perfume in a drawer and gave it to her when he returned.

"Are you free?"

He Nanjie glanced at her, this kid would come to him from time to time, and he was busy with a bunch of messy things.

Ji Lingfeng took out a cigarette and lit it, "I specially sent you perfume, I think of you whenever I have something good."

He Nanjie took the cigarette he handed over, and took a puff ruffiantly.

"I said, why have you been so concerned about my affairs recently?"

Ji Lingfeng raised his hand to cover his heart, "I have always cared about you, since you don't know, how sad?"

"Don't be poor, get out if you have nothing to do."

He put the cigarette in his mouth and sucked it, then lowered his head and continued to fiddle with his documents.

"Actually, I read today's news and found that YJ is your woman's younger sister. Aren't they two incompatible? Why is your woman obsessed with her works?"

After hearing it, I knew that this guy came here to listen to gossip.

(End of this chapter)

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